This is .NET library that implements functionality for creating and training neural networks (multilayer perceptron). The library built from scratch using C# for educational purposes and is under development and expansion. Neural computing doesn't use GPU, only CPU. The library provides easy-to-use classes and methods (APIs) for creating new neural networks, training and using them. The following settings are currently available (via the APIs):
- Configuration of neural networks: the number of layers and neurons in each of them.
- Activation functions: Sigmoid, TanH, Identity, ReLU, Gaussian.
- Loss functions: MSE, Arctan, RootMSE.
- Method for initializing the neuron weights: Zeros, Ones, Random, XavierUniform.
- Method for initializing the bias neurons (output signal): Zeros, Ones, Random.
- Method for optimizing of training: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum (SGDM).
NeuralNet.Builder Class (fluent interface)
Provides methods for creating and initially configuring a neural network.
Methods | Parameters | Description |
SetNeuronsInputLayer | uint inputNeurons | The number of neurons (sensors) for the input layer (don't have weights and don't participate in training). This setting determines the size of the input dataset. Without this parameter, a neural network cannot be created. |
SetNeuronsForLayers | params uint[] neuronLayers | The numbers of neurons for the other layers. For example: .SetNeuronsForLayers(5, 10, 4) - 2 hidden layers (5 and 10 neurons) and output layer (4 neurons) will be created behind the input layer. Without this parameter, a neural network cannot be created. |
SetWeightsInitializer | enum InitializerWeights weightsInitializer | Method for initializing the weight of neurons in all layers. For example: .SetWeightsInitializer(InitializerWeights.XavierUniform) . The default value is InitializerWeights.Random. |
SetBiasNeurons | bool isBiasNeurons, enum InitializerBias biasInitializer | The first parameter is responsible for using / not using bias. The second parameter is responsible for the method of initializing bias neurons. The default value is false. |
SetActivationFunc | enum ActivationFunc activationFunc | Initial setting of the activation function. The default value is ActivationFunc.Sigmoid. |
SetLearningOptimizing | enum LearningOptimizing learningOptimizing | Initial setting of the optimization method for training neural networks. The default value is LearningOptimizing.SGDM. |
SetLossFunc | enum LossFunc lossFunc | Initial setting of the loss function. The default value is LossFunc.MSE. |
SetLearningRate | float learningRate | Initial setting of the learning rate. The default value is 0.1. |
SetMomentumRate | float momentumRate | Initial setting of the momentum rate. The default value is 0.9. |
Provides properties for using a neural network.
Properties | Type | Description |
ActivationFunc | enum ActivationFunc | Get / Set activation function. |
LearningOptimizing | enum LearningOptimizing | Get / Set optimization method. |
LossFunc | enum LossFunc | Get / Set loss function. |
LearningRate | float | Get / Set learning rate. |
MomentumRate | float | Get / Set momentum rate. |
LearningCounter | uint | Get the number of training epochs completed. |
Provides methods for using a neural network.
Methods | Signature | Description |
Activate | float[][] Activate (float[][]) | The command activates the neural network using the input dataset and returns the output dataset. |
Learn | float Learn (float[][], float[][], uint) | The command trains the neural network up to the number of epochs. Takes the input parameters: input dataset (first parameter), expected output signals (second parameter) and number of training epochs (third parameter). Returns the current error after training. |
Learn | void (float[][], float[][], double) | The command trains the neural network to a certain accuracy. Takes the input parameters: input dataset (first parameter), expected output signals (second parameter) and acceptable loss (third parameter). The lower the loss, the better a train. For example: .Learn(inputSignal, expectedSignals, 0.01) - trains the neural network up to 99% accuracy. |
Learn | IEnumerable<float> (float[][], float[][], uint, uint) | The command trains the neural network up to the number of epochs and returns the result in periods. Takes the input parameters: input dataset (first parameter), expected output signals (second parameter), number of training epochs (third parameter) and number of training epochs to return the result (fourth parameter). Returns the current error after training. |
Learn | IEnumerable<float> (float[][], float[][], double, uint); | The command trains the neural network to a certain accuracy and returns the result in periods. Takes the input parameters: input dataset (first parameter), expected output signals (second parameter), acceptable loss (third parameter) and number of training epochs to return the result (fourth parameter). Returns the current error after training. |
CalculateError | float (float[][], float[][]) | Calculates and returns the current error of the neural network. Takes the input parameters: input dataset (first parameter) and expected output signals (second parameter). Returns the current error. |
- Add this project to any of your projects, using the Solution Explorer -> Add -> Existing Project by right-clicking on the Solution Explorer.
Build this project, using the Solution Explorer -> Build Solution by right-clicking on the Solution Explorer.
Copy the created NeuralNetwork.dll file to the folder of your project, where the executable file (.exe) is located.
Add reference to NeuralNetwork.dll file, using the Reference -> Add Reference by right-clicking on the Reference in Solution Explorer.
The second step is to create a neural network. To do this, use the methods in the NeuralNet.Builder class (fluent interface):
var neuralNet = new NeuralNet.Builder()
.SetNeuronsInputLayer(2) // Select the number of neurons (sensors) for the input layer
.SetNeuronsForLayers(3, 5, 1) // Select the number of neurons for the other layers
.SetWeightsInitializer(InitializerWeights.Random) // Select a method for assigning an initial value for the weight of neurons
.SetBiasNeurons(true, InitializerBias.Ones) // Select a method for assigning an initial value for bias neurons
.SetActivationFunc(ActivationFunc.Sigmoid) // Select an activation function
.SetLearningOptimizing(LearningOptimizing.NAG) // Select a method for optimizing neural network training
.SetLossFunc(LossFunc.MSE) // Select a loss function
.SetLearningRate(0.1F) // Select a learning rate
.SetMomentumRate(0.9F) // Select a momentum rate
.Build(); // Build the neural network
The next step is to prepare the datasets for training. Currently, you can only use a jagged array (float) for dataset:
float[][] inputsSignals = ...; // Your own input dataset parser
float[][] expectedSignals = ...; // Your own expected dataset parser
Then for training the neural network just use the methods in the NeuralNet class:
var currentError = neuralNet.Learn(inputsSignals, expectedSignals, 100); // Trains the neural network up to 100 epochs and returns the current error.
neuralNet.Learn(inputsSignals, expectedSignals, 0.01); // Trains the neural network until current losses > acceptable losses (0.01 or 1%).
// Trains the neural network up to 100 epochs and returns the current error every 10 epochs.
foreach (var loss in neuralNet.Learn(inputSignal, expectedSignals, 100, 10))
Console.Write($"Epoch: {neuralNet.LearningCounter}, Loss: {loss.ToString("P4")}");
// Trains the neural network until current losses > acceptable losses (0.001 or 0.1%) and returns the current error every 1000 epochs.
foreach (var loss in neuralNet.Learn(inputSignal, expectedSignals, 0.001, 1000))
Console.Write($"Epoch: {neuralNet.LearningCounter}, Loss: {loss.ToString("P4")}");
Example with XOR sample
Input A | Input B | Output |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
float[][] inputSignal = new float[][]
new float[] { 0, 0 },
new float[] { 0, 1 },
new float[] { 1, 0 },
new float[] { 1, 1 }
float[][] expectedSignals = new float[][]
new float[] { 0 },
new float[] { 1 },
new float[] { 1 },
new float[] { 0 }
var neuralNet = new NeuralNet.Builder()
.SetNeuronsInputLayer(2) // 2 inputs (A and B) so 2 sensors (2 neurons of the input layer)
.SetNeuronsForLayers(3, 1) // 3 neurons of the hidden layer and 1 neuron of the output layer
.Build(); // All other settings will be the default
var result = neuralNet.Activate(inputSignal); // Get results without training the neural network
neuralNet.Learn(inputSignal, expectedSignals, 10000); // Trains the neural network up to 10 000 epochs
result = neuralNet.Activate(inputSignal); // Get results after training the neural network
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Artem Glushkov