Following are the codes of all the data-structures and algorithms I have learned till now. I implemented all of them in C++
. I will also try to add all the resources I have learnt from. I used to practice competitive programming on all the popular websites and I tried to maintain all the codes to a repo. You can find it here. Thank you. Enjoy.
Algorithm | Code |
Linear Search | C++ |
Binary Search | C++ |
Algorithm | Code |
Selection Sort | C++ |
Bubble Sort | C++ |
Insertion Sort | C++ |
Merge Sort | C++ |
Quick Sort | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Kadane's Algorithm | C++ |
Longest Increasing Subsequence | C++ |
Longest Common Subsequence | C++ |
Edit Distance | C++ |
Subset Sum Problem | C++ |
Minimum No of Coins | C++ |
Maximum sum Problem | C++ |
Egg Dropping Puzzle | C++ |
Form a palindrome | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Sparse Table | C++ |
Segment Tree | C++ |
Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick) | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Heap / Priority Queue | C++ # |
Disjoint Set Union (Union Find) | C++ |
Segment Tree | C++ |
Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick) | C++ |
Trie | C++ # |
Suffix Tree | C++ # |
Suffix Array | C++ # |
Sparse Table | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Breadth First Search | C++ |
Depth First Search Iterative | C++ |
Depth First Search Recursive | C++ |
Topological Sort | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Cycle Detection Undirected Graph (DFS) | C++ |
Cycle Detection Undirected Graph (DSU) | C++ |
Cycle Detection Directed Graph (DFS) | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Prim's Algorithm | C++ |
Kruskal | C++ # |
Kruskal with Disjoint Set | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Shortest path using BFS | C++ |
Dijkstra’s SSSP | C++ |
Bellman–Ford | C++ # |
Problem | Code |
Floyd-Warshall | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Articulation Point (Tarjan) | C++ |
Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju) | C++ |
Problem | Code |
Inorder Recursive Traversal | C++ |
Inorder Iterative Traversal | C++ |
Preorder Traversal | C++ |
Postorder Traversal | C++ |
Problem | Code |
LCA (Binary Tree) | C++ |
LCA (Euler tour + SegTree) | C++ |
LCA (Binary Lifting) | C++ |
Problem | Code |
KMP Algorithm | C++ # |
Z Algorithm | C++ # |