A list of stuff for Sketch.
- Zeplin – design, prototyping and collaboration
- Marvel - design, prototyping and collaboration
- Avocode – get CSS, export assets, measure and handpick colors.
- Sympli
- Abstract - Version control and collaboration for Sketch files.
A plugin manager like Sketchpacks is highly recommended.
- sketchappsources.com
- uplabs.com
- freebiesketch.com
- freeui.design
- sketchrepo.com
- collectui.com
- freebiesui.com
- icons8 (Free icons, photos, vectors)
- Ionicons (Beautifully crafted open source icons)
- Font Awesome Icons (At the moment 7,842 Awesome Icons)
- awesome-design-systems (💅🏻 ⚒ A collection of awesome design systems)