With a reMarkable 2 tablet, you can have some custom templates (unofficially). That is very great an useful!
However, everytime you get an official update, your custom templates are lost.
The goal of this script is to simplify reapplying your custom template settings, by uploading the images files and updating the templates.json
file if the settings are gone (2 successive calls won't make duplications).
This script works only on bash/zsh
, sorry Windows users...
This repo include a bonus: 8 O'RLY cover templates!
Have fun!
This step is absolutely optional, however, it makes it easy for future usages.
On you router settings, assign a fixed address to your reMarkable 2 tablet, for instance
Warning: some routers distribute addresses on a different range, like
.Please adjust according to your home network.
There multiple websites and blog posts explaining how to retrieve the ip address and the password for SSH to the reMarkable tablet.
The script (heavily) relays on ssh
to access to your reMarkable tablet and adjust files.
There are 2 information required by the script to run: - Tablet IP address (fixed IP if you follow the first recommendation) - SSH identity key (private key)
By default, there is no public/private key associated with your tablet, just a password.
To generate a new keypair (it is recommanded to not use an existing one), in a shell window, type the following commands:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "remarkable2"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/arnaduga/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/arnaduga/.ssh/remarkable2
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/arnaduga/.ssh/remarkable2
Your public key has been saved in /Users/arnaduga/.ssh/remarkable2.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:vpmnCa4UytfCwOGT4f+EQ2SzXI12HxQF+/uMtmw9m9o reMarkable2
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| ++. |
| o . . |
| o + + o o |
| + B = . . o |
| B = S . . |
| . B + . . |
| o O + . .. |
| o * . =..o=o. |
| ..o *o o=oEo |
Note: the folder will differ, as hopefully your username is not
. Adujst accordingly.
Then, to copy your public key to the tablet (considering the table is ip
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/remarkable2 [email protected]
You will be asked for the SSH password.
That's it!
To test the SSH connection using the key, you can type ssh -i ~/.ssh/remarkable2 [email protected]
Only one major dependency is required by the script: jq
, a standard tool to handle JSON file.
To check if jq
is installed on your system, type jq --version
To install jq
, please refer to your system. It could be sudo apt install jq
or sudo dnf install jq
or brew install jq
In case you did not check the dependency before running the script, don't worry, you will be warned!
First of all, you have to prepare some template files. These can be png
(bitmap) or svg
(vector) image file.
For reference, and bootstrap, you can find in the ./originals
folder of this repo, the original files from a reMarkable 2 tablet. It can be very useful for the picture size.
You can store your templates in any folder you want.
This repo includes some templates to be used as notebook covers, and the picture files are located in the ./templates/
To let the script know what are the templates you want to add to your tablet, please create a dedicated json
file, from custom.json
The structure of the file is:
"templates": [
"name": "<template name>",
"filename": "<template filename>",
"iconCode": "<icon code>",
"categories": [
/* *** other templates definition *** */
- <template name>
is the tempalte name, as display in the templates list
- <template filename>
is the template filename, without extension
- <icon code>
is the icon code. Unfortunately, we can note create new icon code. We have to use one of the existing one. Please look at ./originals/templates.json
file to find them
- <category>
is a category to classify the template. POssible values: Creative
, Grids
, Life/organize
, Lines
For instance, here is a custom.json
file to manage 2 additionnal custom templates:
"templates": [
"name": "O'RLY - Squirrel",
"filename": "ORLY-squirel",
"iconCode": "\ue9fe",
"categories": [
"name": "O'RLY - Pokemon",
"filename": "ORLY-pokemon",
"iconCode": "\ue9fe",
"categories": [
Here the help of the script itself, for reference:
$ ./reMarkable-update.sh -h
----------=== reMarkable-update.sh - v1.0 ===----------
Source: https://github.com/arnaduga/r2-custom-updater
License: MIT
Script to update a reMarkable tablet with custome templates (after an update)
Usage: update.sh -r <IP_reMarkable> -i <SSH_identity_file> -t <template_folder> -c <custom_json_template_file>
-r <ip_reMarkable.json> MANDATORY : IP of the reMarkable tablet
-c <custom_json_template_file> MANDATORY : JSON file contains your custom template definition
-i <SSH_identity_file> MANDATORY : the private key to connect to reMarkable tablet
-t <template_folder> MANDATORY : template hosting all your custom template (png|svg)
-d OPTIONAL : Activate the debug log mode
-h OPTIONAL : Display THIS message
Considering all the previous information gathered (ip and identity file) and all the custom setup prepare (custom.json
file and *.png
files), script runs like this, after waking up your reMarkable tablet:
$ ./reMarkable-update.sh -r -i ~/.ssh/remarkable2 -c custom.json -t templates
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:45:52] Pre-requisites checks...
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:45:52] Checking dependencies
[LOG ][2023-12-10-13:45:52] Starting update script
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:45:52] Getting remote file (/usr/share/remarkable/templates/templates.json)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:28] Processing template name O'RLY - Squirrel
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:28] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-squirel.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:29] Processing template name O'RLY - Pokemon
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:29] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-pokemon.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:32] Processing template name O'RLY - Octopus
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:32] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-octopus.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:33] Processing template name O'RLY - Llama
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:33] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-llama.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:35] Processing template name O'RLY - Jabba
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:35] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-jabba.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:36] Processing template name O'RLY - Hedgehog
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:36] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-hedgehog.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:37] Processing template name O'RLY - Hamster
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:37] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-hamster.png)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:39] Processing template name O'RLY - Hamster 2
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:40] Copying file to remote (templates/ORLY-hamster-2.png)
[LOG ][2023-12-10-13:46:41] In case of error, backup file is: backups/templates.json.2023-12-10-134641
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:41] Copy files to remote
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:41] Copying file to remote (templates.json)
[INFO ][2023-12-10-13:46:41] Restarting main reMarkable application (xochitl)
[LOG ][2023-12-10-13:46:42] Update script done.
That's all folks!
Some limits and improvements are required. They are listed in the repo issue tracker.
If you have some questions, bug reports or remarks, please use the repo issue tracker.