Simple library for gaining access to the Dwolla OAuth Rest APIs with only a few lines of code, based on the Linked-In SDK(!
Documentation is provided below and an example at
- Download or Use Git Submodule
- Adding a git submodule to your project by using
git submodule add git:// DwollaOAuth
- Adding a git submodule to your project by using
- Use the "Add files to "...."" feature in XCode 4 to include the DwollaOAuth submodule folder:
- Make sure "Create groups for any folders" is checked.
- Download or Use Git Submodule
- Adding a git submodule to your project by using
git submodule add git:// DwollaOAuth
- Adding a git submodule to your project by using
- Use the "Add files to "...."" feature in XCode 4 to include each folder in the DwollaOAuth submodule folder:
- Make sure "Create groups for any folders" is checked.
(I'm not sure which one is the best, if you have a better idea on how to include these let me know)
The view controller you wish to communicate with the Dwolla SDK will need to implement 2 interfaces:
"DwollaOAuthEngineDelegate" and "DwollaAuthorizationControllerDelegate"
Next you will need to define 2 variables. A ###(DwollaOAuthEngine *)### and a ###(UIViewController *)###. The Engine will hold the Class which holds a majority of the logic for passing data to and from the Dwolla OAuth REST methods. The "UIViewController" is the authorization view that will pop up to do the verification and token processing for the OAuth workflow.
Next, you need to implement the functions for both Delegates:
#Is called the AccessToken for storing. Tokens can store themselves with "storeInUserDefaultsWithServiceProviderName:prefix:" - (void)dwollaEngineAccessToken:(DwollaOAuthEngine *)engine setAccessToken:(DwollaToken *)token #Is called when the DwollaEngine needs the AccessToken out of the data store. Tokens can be recalled with: "initWithUserDefaultsUsingServiceProviderName:prefix:" - (OAToken *)dwollaEngineAccessToken:(DwollaOAuthEngine *)engine #Is called results from OAuth REST calls. 'results' returns as an NSDictionary with the same structure as the JSON returned from Dwolla. - (void)dwollaEngine:(DwollaOAuthEngine *)engine requestSucceeded:(DwollaConnectionID *)identifier withResults:(id)results #Is called the error to you if a problem occured with a Rest call within the Engine. - (void)dwollaEngine:(DwollaOAuthEngine *)engine requestFailed:(DwollaConnectionID *)identifier withError:(NSError *)error
#Is called if the user is successfully Authorized. - (void)dwollaAuthorizationControllerSucceeded:(DwollaAuthorizationController *)controller #Is called if the user's authroization Fails. - (void)dwollaAuthorizationControllerFailed:(DwollaAuthorizationController *)controller #Is called if the user cancels the Authorization. - (void)dwollaAuthorizationControllerCanceled:(DwollaAuthorizationController *)controller
Next, you need to allocate your ###DwollaEngine### with your ###Consumer Key,Secret, Scope, and Callback###. NOTE: The callback in this isn't really used, we scrap the URL for the needed results. Would probably be best if was some sort of a "We are logining you in page".
dwollaEngine = [[DwollaOAuthEngine engineWithConsumerKey:@"KEY" consumerSecret:@"SECRET" scope: @"AccountAPI:AccountInfoFull|AccountAPI:Send|AccountAPI:Contacts|AccountAPI:Transactions|AccountAPI:Balance" callback: @"http://www.<url>.com/" //Needs 'http://' and also trailing '/' delegate:self] retain];
You can try and make API calls through your ###DwollaEngine variable### at this point and it will attempt to grab the AccessToken using the Delegate function we created. If it can't find an Access Token the funciton you called will return 'nil'.
To Authorize a user, you just need to call:
controller = [DwollaAuthorizationController authorizationControllerWithEngine:dwollaEngine delegate:self]; if( controller ) { [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES]; }
This will open up the webview, get all tokens, pass them to the Engine and call your Delegate to save them.
You NOW should be able to make full calls into the Dwolla API using any of the following functions:###
- (DwollaConnectionID *)accountInformationCurrentUser; - (DwollaConnectionID *)balanceCurrentUser; - (DwollaConnectionID *)accountInformationForUser:(NSString *) userIdentifier; - (DwollaConnectionID *)contactSearch:(NSString *) searchString withLimit:(NSInteger) limit withTypes:(NSString *) types; - (DwollaConnectionID *)transactionsSince:(NSString *) sinceDate withLimit:(NSInteger) limit withTypes:(NSString *) types; - (DwollaConnectionID *)sendMoneyWithPin:(NSString *) pin withDestinationId:(NSString *) destinationId withAmount:(NSDecimalNumber *) amount withNotes:(NSString *) note withDestinationType:(NSString *) type withAssumeCost:(BOOL) assumeCost withFundsSource:(NSString *) fundSource; - (DwollaConnectionID *)nearbySearchWithLongitude:(NSString *) longitude withLatitude:(NSString *) latitude withLimit:(NSInteger) limit withRange:(NSInteger) range; - (DwollaConnectionID *) registerWithEmail:(NSString *) email withPassword:(NSString *) password withFirstName:(NSString *) firstName withLastName:(NSString *) lastName withType:(NSString *) accountType withOrganization:(NSString *) organization withEIN:(NSString *) ein withAddress:(NSString *) address withAddressTwo:(NSString *) address2 withCity:(NSString *) city withState:(NSString *) state withZip:(NSString *) zip withPhone:(NSString *) phone withPhoneTwo:(NSString *) phone2 withPIN:(NSString *) pin withDOB:(NSString *) dob;