Made with HTML
, TypeScript
, ReactJS
, TailwindCSS
Bootstrapped with Vite
🖼 Screenshots • ℹ️ About • ⚙️ Tools • 🔨 How to Build Project • 📁 File Structure
📦 NPM Packages worth mentioning • 💡 Details • 🔗 Useful resources • 👤 Author
This is a solution to the challenge "Multi-Step Form" from Frontend Mentor (link).
The challenge is to build out this multi-step form and get it looking as close to the design as possible.
The users should be able to:
- Complete each step of the sequence
- See a summary of their selections on the final step and confirm their order
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
I made my own Figma prototype:
- ReactJS
- TailwindCSS
- TypeScript
- ReactJS
- Framer Motion
- React Final Form
- Vitest
- NodeJS
- Vite
- Github Pages
Command | Description |
npm install |
First of all install all required packages |
npm start |
Starts a local development web server |
npm run build |
Builds the project, and outputs to the ./build folder |
npm run preview |
Start a local web server that serves the built solution from ./build for previewing |
npm run test:unit |
Runs unit tests |
npm run eslint |
Check that code conforms to Eslint |
npm run prettier:check |
Check that code conforms to Prettier style |
npm run prettier:format |
Format code in src accoring to Prettier |
├── 📁 .github
| ├── 📁 workflows
| | └── 📝 main.yaml CI/CD instructions for Github Actions
│ └── 📝 dependabot.yml Instructions for Dependabot
├── 📁 docs Additional information, documentation
│ └── 📁 results Screenshots of how the application works after being fully developed
├── 📁 src Source files needed for application development
│ ├── 📁 assets Static assets: images, icons, favicons
│ ├── 📁 components React components
│ ├── 📁 pages React page components
│ ├── 📁 utils Utility functions
│ ├── 📝 App.tsx App React component
│ ├── 📝 index.css Tailwind declarations mainly
│ ├── 📝 index.html Main html file
│ ├── 📝 index.tsx Entry point for the module bundler
│ └── 📝 vite-end.d.ts Some Typescript stuff for Vite
├── 📝 .eslintrc.json ESLint configuration file
├── 📝 .gitignore Instructions for Git about what files to ignore
├── 📝 LICENSE MIT License. Basically you can do whatever you want with the code
├── 📝 Project description
├── 📝 package-lock.json Keeps track of the exact version of every package that is installed
├── 📝 package.json Various metadata relevant to the project, scripts, dependencies
├── 📝 postcss.config.cjs PostCSS configuration file
├── 📝 tailwind.config.cjs TailwindCSS configuration file
├── 📝 tsconfig.json TypeScript configuration file
├── 📝 tsconfig.node.json TypeScript configuration file for Vite
└── 📝 vite.config.js Vite configuration file
tailwindcss |
For CSS |
vitest |
Unit testing |
framer-motion |
Adds nice looking animations |
classnames |
Conditionally define sets of CSS classes |
react-final-form , final-form |
Form validation |
Not that difficult at all. But I am not gonna use TailwindCSS in any upcoming projects! Styled Components are so much better! And the code looks much, much cleaner!
- Nice animations
- Animated counters for final prices
- Unit tests
- Form validation with React Final Form
- How to deploy a react app on GH Pages - to put shortly, just use HashRouter in the application
- Github Actions - Введение в CI/CD - Introduction to CI/CD with Github Actions, in Russian. Helped me to get understand the basics
- Framer Motion - Official framer-motion docs
- Frontend Mentor - @GrbnvAlex
- Telegram - @Arlagonix
- Github - @arlagonix