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Anatoli Arkhipenko edited this page Jun 18, 2024 · 46 revisions



  • v3.8.5:


    • updated volatile compound statements after C++20 deprecated compound assignment on volatiles
    • v3.8.5 released
  • v3.8.4: (testing branch)


    • bug: (git PR #180): the variables tStart and tFinish are required if sleep support is enabled, independent of _TASK_TIMECRITICAL. however, they were guarded by _TASK_TIMECRITICAL as well.
    • bug: (git PR #181): delete manually disable tasks with self-destruct flag
    • bug: (git PR #182): correct deletion of self-destruct 'current' task in disableAll()
  • v3.8.3: (testing branch)


    • feature: _TASK_TICKLESS - change in approach for backwards compatibility
    • feature: added scheduler stats for total/active/invoked tasks per each pass
  • v3.8.2: (testing branch)


    • feature: _TASK_TICKLESS - support for tickless execution under FreeRTOS
    • feature: _TASK_DO_NOT_YIELD - ability to disable yield() in execute() method
  • v3.8.1: (testing branch)


    • bug: conditional compile options missing from *.hpp files (Adafruit support)
  • v3.8.0: (testing branch)


    • feature: added setIntervalNodelay() method to dynamically adjust current interval
  • v3.7.0:


    • feature: added ability for Task to "self-destruct" on disable. Useful for dynamic task management. Added updated example 19 for this functionality. Updated the Sketch Template. (Thanks, for the idea).
  • v3.6.2:


    • feature: added TScheduler.hpp and TSchedulerDeclarations.hpp - a workaround for conflicting declarations (e.g., nRF52840 using Adafruit Core) using namespace TS (credit:
  • v3.6.1:


    • bug fix: Internal Status Request of the canceled and aborted tasks complete with respective error code
    • feature: TASK_SR_ABORT code causes Tasks waiting on this Status Request to be aborted as well
  • v3.6.0:


    • feature: added _TASK_THREAD_SAFE compile option for instances of TaskScheduler running under preemptive schedulers like FreeRTOS. Under certain conditions, task scheduling was adversely affected and led to unexpected results. Enabling _TASK_THREAD_SAFE compile option eliminates such occurrences.
    • feature: added adjust method to Task object. adjust(int32_t delta) moves the entire schedule forward (positive delta) or backward (negative delta) by that many milliseconds (microseconds). This is helpful if for some reason you need to adjust the "start" time of scheduling to align with RTC "zero" seconds (for instance) or postpone one task while the other task is running.
    • feature: added example 27 demonstrating how to use TaskScheduler in PlatformIO projects.
  • v3.4.0:


    • feature: enable, disable, pause and resume methods to Scheduler object.
    • added ability to provide external_millis and external_micros methods for alternative time calculations
  • v3.3.0:


    • feature: timeout functionality extended to StatusRequest objects.
    • various bug fixes.
  • v3.2.2:


    • feature: cancel() and abort() methods.
    • feature: enable(), restart() and waitFor() method varieities return true if task was actually enabled, and false otherwise.
    • various bug fixes.
  • v3.2.0:


    • feature: scheduling options with priority for original schedule, original schedule without "catch-up", and interval (see Issue #103) for explanations.
    • update: non-Avr power-saving features are now available with the premium license only via xs:code
  • v3.1.6:


    • bug fix: deleteTask and addTask should check task ownership first (Issue #97)
    • feature: implemented light sleep for esp32
  • v3.1.4:


    • bug fix: bug: get rid of unnecessary compiler warnings
    • feature: access to the task chain with _TASK_EXPOSE_CHAIN compile option
  • v3.1.3:


    • bug fix: _TASK_DEFINE_MILLIS to force forward definition of millis and micros. Not defined by default.


    • bug fix: bug fix: add 'virtual' to the Task destructor definition.
  • v3.1.2:


    • bug fix: corrected external forward definitions for millis() and micros() per Issue 84.
  • v3.1.1:


    • Feature: added 4 cpu load monitoring methods for _TASK_TIMECRITICAL compilation option. Ability to define idle sleep threshold for ESP chips. Please see example #24
  • v3.1.0 (testing):


    • Feature: added 4 cpu load monitoring methods for _TASK_TIMECRITICAL compilation option. Please see example #24
  • v3.0.3 (testing):


    • Feature: custom sleep callback method: setSleepMethod() - ability to dynamically control idle sleep for various microcontrollers. Please see example #23
    • Feature: idle Sleep support for MSP430 and MSP432 boards
    • Officially discontinued support for offile documentation in favor of updating the Wiki pages.
  • v3.0.2:


    • Bug: default constructor is ambiguous when Status Request objects are enabled (github issue #65 & #68)
    • Support for STM32F1 boards (including IDLE Sleep)
  • v3.0.1:


    • Bug: task deleted from the execution chain cannot be added back (github issue #67)
    • Sketch template
  • v3.0.0:


    • Major Release: Support for dynamic callback methods binding via compilation parameter _TASK_OO_CALLBACKS
  • v2.6.1:


    • Bug: Support for task self-destruction in the OnDisable method
    • Example 19: dynamic task creation and destruction.


    • Bug: high level scheduler ignored if lower level chain is empty
    • Example 20: use of local task storage to work with task-specific class objects
  • v2.6.0:

    • 2018-01-30 - _TASK_TIMEOUT compilation directive: Task overall timeout functionality
    • 2018-01-30 - Support for ESP32 (Contributed by Marco Tombesi)
  • v2.5.2:

    • 2018-01-09 - _TASK_INLINE compilation directive making all methods declared inline (issue #42)
  • v2.5.1:

    • 2018-01-06 - support for IDLE sleep mode for Teensy boards (tested on Teensy 3.5)
  • v2.5.0:

    • 2017-04-27 - added optional support for std::functions via _TASK_STD_FUNCTION. (Contributed by Edwin van Leeuwen)
    • 2017-08-30 - add _TASK_DEBUG making all methods and variables public FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY!
    • 2017-08-30 - bug fix: Scheduler::addTask() checks if task is already part of an execution chain (issue #37)
    • 2017-08-30 - support for multi-tab sketches. (Contributed by Adam Ryczkowski)
  • v2.4.0:

    • 2017-04-27:
      • added destructor to the Task class to ensure tasks are disables and taken off the execution chain
      • upon destruction. (Contributed by Edwin van Leeuwen)
  • v2.3.0:

    • 2017-02-24 - new timeUntilNextIteration() method within Scheduler class - inquire when a particlar task is scheduled to run next time
  • v2.2.1:

    • 2016-11-30 - inlined constructors. Added yield() and yieldOnce() functions to easily break down and chain back together long running callback methods
    • 2016-12-16:
      • added getCount() to StatusRequest objects, made every task StatusRequest enabled.
      • Internal StatusRequest objects are accessible via getInternalStatusRequest() method.
  • v2.2.0:

    • 2016-11-17 - all methods made inline to support inclusion of TaskSchedule.h file into other header files
  • v2.1.0:

    • 2016-02-01 - support for microsecond resolution
    • 2016-02-02 - added Scheduler baseline start time reset method: startNow()
  • v2.0.1:

    • 2016-01-02 - bug fix: issue #11 Xtensa compiler (esp8266): Declaration of constructor does not match implementation
  • v2.0.0:

    • 2015-12-22 - _TASK_PRIORITY - support for layered task prioritization
  • v1.9.2:

    • 2015-11-28 - _TASK_ROLLOVER_FIX is deprecated (not necessary)
    • 2015-12-16 - bug fixes: automatic millis rollover support for delay methods
    • 2015-12-17 - new method for _TASK_TIMECRITICAL option: getStartDelay()
  • v1.9.0:

    • 2015-11-24 - packed three byte-long status variables into one byte-long bit array structure data type - saving 2 bytes per each task instance
  • v1.8.5:

    • 2015-11-23 - bug fix: incorrect calculation of next task invocation in case callback changed the interval
    • 2015-11-23 - bug fix: Task::set() method calls setInterval() explicitly, therefore delaying the task in the same manner
  • v1.8.4:

    • 2015-11-15 - bug fix: Task alignment with millis() for scheduling purposes should be done after OnEnable, not before. Especially since OnEnable method can change the interval
  • v1.8.3:

    • 2015-11-05 - support for task activation on a status request with arbitrary interval and number of iterations (0 and 1 are still default values)
    • 2015-11-05 - implement waitForDelayed() method to allow task activation on the status request completion delayed for one current interval
    • 2015-11-09 - added callback methods prototypes to all examples for Arduino IDE 1.6.6 compatibility
    • 2015-11-14 - added several constants to be used as task parameters for readability (e.g, TASK_FOREVER, TASK_SECOND, etc.)
    • 2015-11-14 - significant optimization of the scheduler's execute loop, including millis() rollover fix option
  • v1.8.2:

    • 2015-10-27 - implement Local Task Storage Pointer (allow use of same callback code for different tasks)
    • 2015-10-27 - bug: currentTask() method returns incorrect Task reference if called within OnEnable and OnDisable methods
    • 2015-10-27 - protection against infinite loop in OnEnable (if enable() methods are called within OnEnable)
    • 2015-10-29 - new currentLts() method in the scheduler class returns current task's LTS pointer in one call
  • v1.8.1:

    • 2015-10-22 - implement Task id and control points to support identification of failure points for watchdog timer logging
  • v1.8.0:

    • 2015-10-13 - support for status request objects allowing tasks waiting on requests
    • 2015-10-13 - moved to a single header file to allow compilation control via #defines from the main sketch
  • v1.7.0:

    • 2015-10-08 - introduced callback run counter - callback functions can branch on the iteration number.
    • 2015-10-11 - enableIfNot() - enable a task only if it is not already enabled. Returns true if was already enabled, false if was disabled.
    • 2015-10-11 - disable() returns previous enable state (true if was enabled, false if was already disabled)
    • 2015-10-11 - introduced callback functions "on enable" and "on disable". On enable runs every time enable is called, on disable runs only if task was enabled
    • 2015-10-12 - new Task method: forceNextIteration() - makes next iteration happen immediately during the next pass regardless how much time is left
  • v1.6.0:

    • 2015-09-22 - revert back to having all tasks disable on last iteration.
    • 2015-09-22 - deprecated disableOnLastIteration method as a result
    • 2015-10-01 - made version numbers semver compliant (documentation only)
  • v1.5.1:

    • 2015-09-21 - bug fix: incorrect handling of active tasks via set() and setIterations(). Thanks to Hannes Morgenstern for catching this one
  • v1.5.0:

    • 2015-09-20 - access to currently executing task (for callback functions)
    • 2015-09-20 - pass scheduler as a parameter to the task constructor to append the task to the end of the chain
    • 2015-09-20 - option to create a task already enabled
  • v1.4.1:

    • 2015-09-15 - more careful placement of AVR-specific includes for sleep functions (compatibility with DUE) sleep on idle run is no longer a default and should be explicitly compiled with _TASK_SLEEP_ON_IDLE_RUN defined
  • v1.0.0:

    • 2015-02-24 - Initial release
    • 2015-02-28 - added delay() and disableOnLastIteration() functions
    • 2015-03-25 - changed scheduler execute() function for a more precise delay calculation:
      1. Do not delay if any of the tasks ran (making request for immediate execution redundant)
      2. Delay is invoked only if none of the tasks ran
      3. Delay is based on the min anticipated wait until next task _AND_ the runtime of execute function itself.
    • 2015-05-11 - added restart() and restartDelayed() functions to restart tasks which are on hold after running all iterations
    • 2015-05-19 - completely removed delay from the scheduler since there are no power saving there. using 1 ms sleep instead