Zerogw is a http to zeromq gateway. Which means it listens HTTP, parses request and sends it using zeromq socket (ZMQ_REQ). Then waits for the reply and responds with data received from zeromq socket.
Starting with v0.3 zerogw also supports WebSockets. Websockets are implemented by forwarding incoming messages using ZMQ_PUB socket, and listening clommands from ZMQ_SUB socket. Each WebSocket client can be subscribed to unlimited number of topics. Each zeromq message it either control message (e.g. subscription) or message to a specified topic which will be efficiently sent to every WebSocket subscribed to that particular topic.
Zerogw is written in C and uses libwebsite library for handling HTTP (which itself uses libev).
Zerogw is not a full-blown http server. It knows nothing about static files, caches, CGI, whatever. It knows some routing and that's almost it. That makes it very fast and perfectly scalable.
- Use it for:
- RPC's
- Ajax
- WebSockets
- Home page:
- Mailing list:
- Documentation:
- Online chat example:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tailhook/zerogw sudo apt-get install zerogw
yaourt -S zerogw
For other distributions refer to Compiling section.
We currently support only Linux.
First two usually compiled statically, so you don't need them at runtime. Same with python. (Eventually, I'll release a bundle with precompiled configuration parser and embedded few other libraries for easier compiling :) )
./waf configure --prefix=/usr ./waf build ./waf install