This plugin needs a new primary maintainer. If anyone wants to volunteer just let me know.
This mod facilitates a lot of advanced testing of creatures, bosses, items, caves etc.
- /health: Prints a summary report of nearby tamed dinos health status.
health: Prints a summary report of nearby tamed dinos health status (via notification). Example:
<template key>
: Spawn custom templated dinos defined in config.json. Example:SpawnTemplate griffin
<template key>
: Spawn custom templated items defined in config.json. Example:ItemTemplate flak
<location key>
: Teleport to a custom location defined in config.json. Example:TeleportTo redobi
ArkGameTestingCommands.ReloadConfig: Reload updated templates and settings from config.json. Example:
"ItemTemplates": {
"flak": {
"items": [
"blueprints": [
"quality": 10.0
"Locations": {
"redobi": {
"x": -262528.094,
"y": 241189.141,
"z": -11191.670
"Templates": {
"theriz_boss": {
"count": 20,
"radius": 1000.0,
"blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Therizinosaurus/Therizino_Character_BP.Therizino_Character_BP'",
"saddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_TherizinosaurusSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_TherizinosaurusSaddle'",
"saddleArmor": 100.0,
"imprint": 1.0,
"ignoreAllWhistles": false,
"ignoreAllyLook": false,
"follow": false,
"aggressionLevel": "passive",
"facing": "outwards",
"baseLevelHealth": 45,
"baseLevelStamina": 25,
"baseLevelOxygen": 25,
"baseLevelFood": 25,
"baseLevelWeight": 25,
"baseLevelMeleeDamage": 45,
"baseLevelMovementSpeed": 25,
"tamedLevelHealth": 25,
"tamedLevelStamina": 0,
"tamedLevelOxygen": 0,
"tamedLevelFood": 0,
"tamedLevelWeight": 0,
"tamedLevelMeleeDamage": 25,
"tamedLevelMovementSpeed": 0,
"items": [
"blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_SweetVeggieCake.PrimalItemConsumable_SweetVeggieCake'",
"quantity": 5,
"count": 10
Option | Values | Default |
aggressionLevel | passive, neutral, aggressive, attackmytarget | passive |
facing | forward, outwards, inwards | forward |
This plugin is based on Michidu's work on Ark-Server-Plugins and ARK Server API. The basic plumbing code is copied directly from those plugins.
ARK Server API (
ARK Server API [GitHub] (
Ark-Server-Plugins [GitHub] (