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TurboPG: Zero-Ops Vector Store for PostgreSQL

GoDoc Go Report Card

TurboPG is a lightweight, zero-ops vector store implementation that brings the power of vector similarity search to your Go applications, leveraging the robust and familiar PostgreSQL database. Built on top of the pgvector extension, TurboPG allows you to easily add vector embeddings and perform fast similarity queries without managing separate vector database infrastructure.

Key Features:

  • Zero-Ops: Uses your existing PostgreSQL database. No new infrastructure to manage!
  • Simple Integration: Easy to integrate into your Go applications with a straightforward API.
  • TurboPuffer API Compatibility: Designed with compatibility in mind for potential migration to TurboPuffer in the future.
  • Namespaces: Organize your vectors into logical namespaces for multi-tenancy or feature experimentation.
  • Vector Similarity Search: Perform fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search using cosine, Euclidean, and squared Euclidean distance metrics.
  • Filtering: Combine vector search with attribute-based filtering for precise results.
  • Dynamic Migrations: Manages database schema migrations automatically.
  • Flexible Attributes: Store arbitrary JSON attributes alongside your vectors.
  • Batch Operations: Efficiently upsert and delete documents in batches.
  • Testable: Includes comprehensive unit and integration tests.

Getting Started


  • PostgreSQL 12+
  • pgvector extension installed in your PostgreSQL database. (or call .Initialize() )
  • Go 1.21+


go get


First, you need to initialize the turbopg library against your PostgreSQL database. This ensures the pgvector extension is enabled and sets up the necessary system tables.

package main

import (

	_ "" // Import PostgreSQL driver

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Replace with your PostgreSQL connection string
	dbURL := "postgres://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=disable"
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", dbURL)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err)
	defer db.Close()

	if err := turbopg.Initialize(ctx, db); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize TurboPG: %v", err)

	log.Println("TurboPG initialized successfully!")

Basic Usage

Here's a quick example of creating a namespace, upserting documents, and performing a vector search:

package main

import (

	_ ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize database connection (as shown in Initialization section)
	dbURL := "postgres://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=disable"
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", dbURL)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err)
	defer db.Close()
	turbopg.Initialize(ctx, db)

	// Create a new TurboPG store
	store, err := turbopg.NewDefault(db)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create store: %v", err)

	// Define namespace and dimensions
	namespaceName := "my_documents"
	dimensions := 128

	// Create a namespace
	err = store.CreateNamespace(ctx, namespaceName, turbopg.CreateNamespaceOptions{
		Dimensions: dimensions,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create namespace: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Namespace '%s' created\n", namespaceName)

	// Upsert documents
	documents := []turbopg.Document{
			ID:     "doc1",
			Vector: generateRandomVector(dimensions), // Replace with your embeddings
			Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
				"title": "Document 1",
				"category": "articles",
			ID:     "doc2",
			Vector: generateRandomVector(dimensions),
			Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
				"title": "Document 2",
				"category": "blog posts",

	upsertOpts := turbopg.UpsertOptions{Namespace: namespaceName}
	err = store.Upsert(ctx, documents, upsertOpts)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to upsert documents: %v", err)
	log.Println("Documents upserted")

	// Perform vector search
	queryVector := generateRandomVector(dimensions)
	searchResults, err := store.SearchVector(ctx, namespaceName, queryVector, 2, "cosine")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Vector search failed: %v", err)

	fmt.Println("\nSearch Results:")
	for _, result := range searchResults {
		fmt.Printf("Document ID: %s, Score: %f, Title: %s\n",
			result.Document.ID, result.Score, result.Document.Attributes["title"])

func generateRandomVector(dimensions int) []float32 {
	vector := make([]float32, dimensions)
	// In real application, replace with actual embedding generation logic
	for i := range vector {
		vector[i] = float32(i+1) / float32(dimensions)
	return vector

Example Output:

2024/07/01 10:00:00 TurboPG initialized successfully!
2024/07/01 10:00:01 Namespace 'my_documents' created
2024/07/01 10:00:01 Documents upserted

Search Results:
Document ID: doc1, Score: 0.000000, Title: Document 1
Document ID: doc2, Score: 0.000000, Title: Document 2


Creating a Store

You can create a Store instance using turbopg.New with a custom configuration or turbopg.NewDefault for default settings.

// Custom configuration
store, err := turbopg.New(db, turbopg.Config{
    Prefix: "myapp_", // Custom table prefix
    Logger: myLoggerInstance, // Your custom logger implementation
    DBURL:  "postgres://...", // Optional DB URL for migrations (defaults to postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable)

// Default configuration (prefix: "turbopg_", no-op logger)
store, err := turbopg.NewDefault(db)

Namespace Operations

  • Create Namespace:

    err := store.CreateNamespace(ctx, "products", turbopg.CreateNamespaceOptions{
        Dimensions: 512,
        IndexConfig: &turbopg.IndexConfig{ // Optional, defaults to cosine and lists=100
            DistanceMetric: "euclidean_squared",
            Lists:          250,
  • Get Namespace:

    namespaceInfo, err := store.GetNamespace(ctx, "products")
    if err != nil {
        // Handle namespace not found or other errors
    fmt.Printf("Namespace: %s, Dimensions: %d, Metric: %s\n",
        namespaceInfo.Name, namespaceInfo.Dimensions, namespaceInfo.IndexConfig.DistanceMetric)
  • List Namespaces:

    namespaces, err := store.ListNamespaces(ctx, turbopg.ListNamespacesOptions{
        Prefix: "prod", // Optional prefix filter
        Limit:  10,    // Optional limit
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error
    fmt.Println("Total Namespaces:", namespaces.Total)
    fmt.Println("Namespaces:", namespaces.Namespaces)
  • Delete Namespace:

    err = store.DeleteNamespace(ctx, "old_namespace")
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error

Document Operations

  • Upsert Documents:

    docs := []turbopg.Document{ /* ... */ }
    err = store.Upsert(ctx, docs, turbopg.UpsertOptions{Namespace: "products"})
    // Batch Upsert for better performance with large datasets
    err = store.UpsertBatch(ctx, docs, turbopg.BatchUpsertOptions{
        UpsertOptions: turbopg.UpsertOptions{Namespace: "products"},
        BatchSize:     1000, // Optional batch size
  • Delete Documents by IDs:

    ids := []turbopg.DocumentID{"doc1", "doc2", "doc3"}
    err = store.Delete(ctx, "products", ids)
  • Delete Documents by Filter:

    filter := turbopg.FilterCondition{
        Field: "category",
        Op:    turbopg.FilterOpEq,
        Value: "outdated",
    err = store.DeleteByFilter(ctx, "products", filter)

Query Operations

  • Vector Search:

    queryVector := generateRandomVector(512)
    results, err := store.SearchVector(ctx, "products", queryVector, 5, "cosine")
    // or "euclidean", "euclidean_squared"
  • Filtered Vector Search:

    queryVector := generateRandomVector(512)
    filter := turbopg.FilterCondition{
        Field: "price",
        Op:    turbopg.FilterOpLt,
        Value: 100, // Price less than 100
    results, err := store.SearchFiltered(ctx, "products", queryVector, filter, 3, "euclidean")
  • Advanced Query with Options:

    queryOpts := turbopg.QueryOptions{
        Namespace: "products",
        Vector:    queryVector, // Optional vector for similarity search
        Filter: turbopg.LogicalFilter{ // Optional filter
            Op: turbopg.LogicalOpAnd,
            Filters: []turbopg.Filter{
                turbopg.FilterCondition{Field: "in_stock", Op: turbopg.FilterOpEq, Value: true},
                turbopg.FilterCondition{Field: "category", Op: turbopg.FilterOpIn, Value: []interface{}{"electronics", "books"}},
        TopK:   10,
        Metric: "cosine", // Optional metric, defaults to cosine
    results, err := store.Query(ctx, queryOpts)


TurboPG supports a rich set of filter operations:

  • Equality: FilterOpEq, FilterOpNotEq
  • Numeric Comparisons: FilterOpLt, FilterOpLte, FilterOpGt, FilterOpGte
  • String Matching: FilterOpGlob (LIKE), FilterOpNotGlob, FilterOpIGlob (ILIKE), FilterOpNotIGlob
  • IN/NOT IN: FilterOpIn, FilterOpNotIn
  • Logical Operations: LogicalOpAnd, LogicalOpOr for combining filters

Filters can be nested for complex queries. See filter.go for full filter definition.



Setting up Development Environment (using DevContainers)

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd turbopg
  2. Open in VS Code:
    code .
  3. When prompted "Reopen in Container", click "Reopen in Container". VS Code will build a development container with all necessary tools and dependencies, including PostgreSQL with pgvector.

Running Tests

# All tests (unit and integration)
make test

# Unit tests only (faster)
go test -v ./...

# Integration tests (requires Docker)
go test -tags=integration -v ./...

# Run linter
make lint

# Run tests with coverage
make coverage

Development Tools

The development environment includes:

  • Go 1.21+
  • PostgreSQL 15 with pgvector extension
  • golangci-lint for linting
  • goimports for import formatting
  • mockgen for generating mocks


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to:

  • Report issues: If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • Submit pull requests: If you'd like to contribute code, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.

Please follow the existing code style and ensure your contributions include relevant tests.


This project is currently under development and does not have a specific license yet. It will be open-sourced under a permissive license (e.g., MIT or Apache 2.0) in the future.

TurboPG - Bring vector search to your PostgreSQL database effortlessly!


Drop in Turbopuffer on Postgres






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