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Merged tth-heppy-745-v2 from repository jpata
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arizzi committed Jun 22, 2015
2 parents 834ec77 + 0ada275 commit 73a76c2
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Showing 4 changed files with 123 additions and 6 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/objects/
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsutils.QGLikelihoodCalculator import QGLikelihoodCalculator

import copy
def cleanNearestJetOnly(jets,leptons,deltaR):
dr2 = deltaR**2
good = [ True for j in jets ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +102,12 @@ def process(self, event):
if self.doJEC:
# print "\nCalibrating jets %s for lumi %d, event %d" % (self.cfg_ana.jetCol, event.lumi, event.eventId)
self.jetReCalibrator.correctAll(allJets, rho, delta=self.shiftJEC, metShift=self.deltaMetFromJEC)

for delta, shift in [(1.0, "JECUp"), (0.0, ""), (-1.0, "JECDown")]:
for j1 in allJets:
corr = self.jetReCalibrator.getCorrection(j1, rho, delta, self.deltaMetFromJEC)
setattr(j1, "corr"+shift, corr)

self.allJetsUsedForMET = allJets
# print "after. rho",self.rho,self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix,'allJets len ',len(allJets),'pt', [ for j in allJets]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,7 +380,7 @@ def matchJets(self, event, jets):
jet.mcJet = match[jet]

def smearJets(self, event, jets):
for jet in jets:
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/objects/
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Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,9 @@
NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcJet",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen jet"),
NTupleVariable("mcFlavour", lambda x : x.partonFlavour(), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (physics definition, i.e. including b's from shower)"),
NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
NTupleVariable("corr_JECUp", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJECUp', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
NTupleVariable("corr_JECDown", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJECDown', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
NTupleVariable("corr", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corr', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
jetTypeExtra = NTupleObjectType("jetExtra", baseObjectTypes = [ jetType ], variables = [
NTupleVariable("area", lambda x : x.jetArea(), help="Catchment area of jet"),
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98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/physicsutils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import ROOT
import numpy as np

class BTagWeightCalculator:
def __init__(self, fn_hf, fn_lf) :
self.pdfs = {}

self.pt_bins_hf = np.array([20, 30, 40, 60, 100, 160, 10000])
self.eta_bins_hf = np.array([0, 2.41])

self.pt_bins_lf = np.array([20, 30, 40, 60, 10000])
self.eta_bins_lf = np.array([0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.41])

self.btag = "combinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags"
self.init(fn_hf, fn_lf)

def getBin(self, bvec, val):
return int(bvec.searchsorted(val) - 1)

def init(self, fn_hf, fn_lf) :
print "[BTagWeightCalculator]: Initializing from files", fn_hf, fn_lf

self.pdfs["hf"] = self.getHistosFromFile(fn_hf)
self.pdfs["lf"] = self.getHistosFromFile(fn_lf)

return True

def getHistosFromFile(self, fn):
ret = {}
tf = ROOT.TFile(fn)
if not tf or tf.IsZombie():
raise FileError("Could not open file {0}".format(fn))
for k in tf.GetListOfKeys():
kn = k.GetName()
if not kn.startswith("csv_ratio"):
spl = kn.split("_")

if spl[2] == "all":
ptbin = -1
etabin = -1
kind = "all"
syst = "nominal"
ptbin = int(spl[2][2:])
etabin = int(spl[3][3:])
kind = spl[4]
if len(spl)==6:
syst = spl[5]
syst = "nominal"
ret[(ptbin, etabin, kind, syst)] = k.ReadObj().Clone()
return ret

def calcJetWeight(self, jet, kind, systematic):
pt =
aeta = abs(jet.eta())
fl = abs(jet.mcFlavour)
csv = jet.btag(self.btag)

is_heavy = (fl == 5 or fl == 6)
if is_heavy:
ptbin = self.getBin(self.pt_bins_hf, pt)
etabin = self.getBin(self.eta_bins_hf, aeta)
ptbin = self.getBin(self.pt_bins_lf, pt)
etabin = self.getBin(self.eta_bins_lf, aeta)

if ptbin < 0 or etabin < 0:
return 1.0

k = (ptbin, etabin, kind, systematic)
hdict = self.pdfs["lf"]
if is_heavy:
hdict = self.pdfs["hf"]
h = hdict.get(k, None)
if not h:
return 1.0

csvbin = 1
if csv>=0:
csvbin = h.FindBin(csv)

if csvbin <= 0 or csvbin > h.GetNbinsX():
return 1.0

w = h.GetBinContent(csvbin)
return w

def calcEventWeight(self, jets, kind, systematic):
weights = np.array(
[self.calcJetWeight(jet, kind, systematic)
for jet in jets]

wtot =
return wtot
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/physicsutils/
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ def __init__(self,globalTag,jetFlavour,doResidualJECs,jecPath,upToLevel=3):
self.JetCorrector = ROOT.FactorizedJetCorrector(self.vPar)
if os.path.exists("%s/%s_Uncertainty_%s.txt" % (path,globalTag,jetFlavour)):
self.JetUncertainty = ROOT.JetCorrectionUncertainty("%s/%s_Uncertainty_%s.txt" % (path,globalTag,jetFlavour));
elif os.path.exists("%s/Uncertainty_FAKE.txt" % path):
self.JetUncertainty = ROOT.JetCorrectionUncertainty("%s/Uncertainty_FAKE.txt" % path);
print 'Missing JEC uncertainty file "%s/%s_Uncertainty_%s.txt", so jet energy uncertainties will not be available' % (path,globalTag,jetFlavour)
self.JetUncertainty = None
Expand All @@ -38,11 +40,10 @@ def correctAll(self,jets,rho,delta=0,metShift=[0,0]):
print "Warning: %d out of %d jets flagged bad by JEC." % (len(badJets), len(jets))
for bj in badJets:
def correct(self,jet,rho,delta=0,metShift=[0,0]):
"""Corrects a jet energy (optionally shifting it also by delta times the JEC uncertainty)
If a two-component list is passes as 'metShift', it will be modified adding to the first and second
component the change to the MET along x and y due to the JEC, defined as the negative difference
between the new and old jet 4-vectors, for jets with corrected pt > 10."""

def getCorrection(self,jet,rho,delta=0,metShift=[0,0]):
"""Calculates the correction factor of a jet without modifying it
self.JetCorrector.setJetPt( * jet.rawFactor())
Expand All @@ -67,6 +68,14 @@ def correct(self,jet,rho,delta=0,metShift=[0,0]):
metShift[0] -= jet.px()*jet.rawFactor()*corr*delta*jet.jetEnergyCorrUncertainty
metShift[1] -=*jet.rawFactor()*corr*delta*jet.jetEnergyCorrUncertainty
#print " jet with raw pt %6.2f eta %+5.3f phi %+5.3f: previous corr %.4f, my corr %.4f " % (*jet.rawFactor(), jet.eta(), jet.phi(), 1./jet.rawFactor(), corr)
return corr

def correct(self,jet,rho,delta=0,metShift=[0,0]):
"""Corrects a jet energy (optionally shifting it also by delta times the JEC uncertainty)
If a two-component list is passes as 'metShift', it will be modified adding to the first and second
component the change to the MET along x and y due to the JEC, defined as the negative difference
between the new and old jet 4-vectors, for jets with corrected pt > 10."""
corr = self.getCorrection(jet,rho,delta,metShift)
if corr <= 0:
return False
jet.setP4(jet.p4() * (corr * jet.rawFactor()))
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