Releases: aristanetworks/avd
Releases · aristanetworks/avd
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): ptp_settings.domain by @ClausHolbechArista in #5007
- Fix(eos_designs): Avoid returning objects in facts by @ClausHolbechArista in #5016
- Fix(eos_designs): Wrong duplicate detection between SVIs and L2VLANs by @gmuloc in #5025
- Fix(eos_designs): Invalid class returned from snmp_settings.vrfs by @ClausHolbechArista in #5035
- Fix(eos_designs): Wrong structured config for overlapping network ports by @gmuloc in #5033
- Fix(eos_designs): Better error message when no ip address configured on a l3_interface on wan_router by @gmuloc in #5068
Fixed issues in both eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen, eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for monitor_sessions and fix schema for monitor_sessions in eos_cli_config_gen by @Shivani-gslab in #4937
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(containers): fix docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 by setting image to tonistiigi/binfmt:qemu-v7.0.0-28 by @ankudinov in #5032
- Fix(cv_deploy): Abandon Workspaces that failed at Build phase if their requested_state was
by @alexeygorbunov in #5030
- Doc: Release-notes for release 5.2.1 by @ClausHolbechArista in #5024
- Doc: Release-notes for release 5.2.2 by @carlbuchmann in #5043
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for Receive Side Scaling (RSS) interface profile by @ashenoy-arista in #4954
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support to set vlan and vni ranges in vxlan interface by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4749
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Accept auto as argument for rd_override by @rrajpuro-anet in #4858
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support for using VRF router-id as RD admin subfield by @ClausHolbechArista in #5061
- Feat(eos_designs): Automatic assignment of Node IDs using pool manager by @ClausHolbechArista in #3162
Other Changes
- Bump: 5.3.0-dev0 by @carlbuchmann in #4997
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for overlay/router_traffic_engineering by @Shivani-gslab in #4992
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for ip_virtual_router_mac_address by @Shivani-gslab in #4991
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for underlay/router_msdp by @Shivani-gslab in #4967
- Bump(requirements): Bump the prod group across 2 directories with 1 update by @dependabot in #5008
- Refactor(eos_designs): structured_config for overlay route_maps by @Vibhu-gslab in #4994
- Refactor(eos_designs): structured_config for ipv6_static_routes by @Vibhu-gslab in #4986
- Refactor(eos_designs): structured_config for network_services router_ospf by @Vibhu-gslab in #4981
- Refactor(eos_designs): Network Services ethernet interfaces refactoring to classes by @gmuloc in #4976
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for static_routes by @MaheshGSLAB in #4943
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for ip_extcommunity_lists by @MaheshGSLAB in #5045
- Refactor(eos_designs): Refactor eos_designs structured_config code for management_security by @Shivani-gslab in #5038
- Refactor(eos_designs): structured_config for underlay route_maps by @Vibhu-gslab in #5047
- Refactor(eos_designs): structured_config for loopback by @Vibhu-gslab in #5018
- Refactor(eos_designs): Remove dependency on overlay_routing_protocol and evpn_role for WAN routers by @gmuloc in #4865
- Refactor(eos_designs): Structured config classes for underlay ethernet_interfaces by @ClausHolbechArista in #5054
- Refactor(eos_designs): Network Services port-channel refactoring to classes by @gmuloc in #4995
- Refactor(eos_designs): Structured config classes for underlay port-channels by @ClausHolbechArista in #5055
New Contributors
- @rrajpuro-anet made their first contribution in #4858
Full Changelog: v5.2.2...v5.3.0-dev1
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Invalid class returned from snmp_settings.vrfs (#5035) by @carlbuchmann in #5042
- Fix(eos_designs): Wrong structured config for overlapping network ports (#5033) by @carlbuchmann in #5050
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(containers): fix docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 by setting image to tonistiigi/binfmt:qemu-v7.0.0-28 (#5032) by @carlbuchmann in #5040
Full Changelog: v5.2.1...v5.2.2
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Avoid returning objects in facts (#5016) by @ClausHolbechArista in #5027
- Fix(eos_designs): ptp_settings.domain (#5007) by @ClausHolbechArista in #5026
- Fix(eos_designs): Wrong duplicate detection between SVIs and L2VLANs (#5025) by @ClausHolbechArista in #5029
- Doc: Release-notes for release 5.2.1 (#5024) by @ClausHolbechArista in #5028
Full Changelog: v5.2.0...v5.2.1
What's Changed
Breaking Changes
- Fix(eos_designs)!: Correct Loopback prefixes in PL-LOOPBACKS-EVPN-OVERLAY prefix-list by @ClausHolbechArista in #4915
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the invalid configuration of vpn-route in export direction for router bgp vrf by @MaheshGSLAB in #4765
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix wrong variable used in
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4814 - Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the invalid comand
no neighbor PATH-SELECTION-PG-1 send
for BGP address-family path-selection by @MaheshGSLAB in #4861 - Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Change
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4878 - Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the errdisable documentation J2 expects recovery.interval to be always set by @MaheshGSLAB in #4979
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Support of validate_lldp key in structured config by @bjmeuer in #4777
- Fix(eos_designs): Align bgp_maximum_paths range(1 to 600) between eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen role by @MaheshGSLAB in #4912
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(eos_validate_state): Fix the DHCP not recognized error for STUN and Connectivity tests by @MaheshGSLAB in #4764
- Fix(cv_deploy): Ignore missing structured config files by @ClausHolbechArista in #4836
- Fix(cv_deploy): Ensure lossrate for cv_pathfinder metadata is a float by @ClausHolbechArista in #4852
- Doc(eos_cli_config_gen): Improve snmp server documention by @carlbuchmann in #4806
- Doc: Fix wrong command in cv-pathinder example by @gmuloc in #4837
- Doc: Adding contribution guide for eos_cli_config_gen by @Shivani-gslab in #4730
- Doc: Added support for skip the TOC on fabric and device documentation by @MaheshGSLAB in #4796
- Doc: Move docs folder to root of repo by @carlbuchmann in #4923
- Doc: Change location for docs/requirements.txt by @carlbuchmann in #4932
- Doc(eos_designs): Add missing node type L3 port-channels configuration table by @carlbuchmann in #4989
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add is_hostname knob to router_isis by @ccsnw in #4755
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for DHCP client accept default route feature in port-channel interfaces by @MaheshGSLAB in #4767
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for 'cipher v1.0' and 'cipher v1.3' under management_security.ssl_profiles by @Shivani-gslab in #4782
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add min-links in port-channel-interfaces by @Vibhu-gslab in #4790
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for global MPLS RSVP by @Vibhu-gslab in #4634
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added outlier elimination feature support for AVT profile by @MaheshGSLAB in #4762
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add switchport 'tap' and 'tool' mode config to the ethernet and port-channel interfaces by @Shivani-gslab in #4174
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add interface traffic engineering and TE admin group for ethernet/port-channel by @emilarista in #4754
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for IP locking enforcement disabled and address family IPv4/IPv6 by @MaheshGSLAB in #4803
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for
connection tx-interface match source-ip
forip security
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4844 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added login/motd banner in device documentation by @MaheshGSLAB in #4855
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add ICMP echo size for Monitor Connectivity hosts by @ctyrider in #4853
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for metric bandwitdh per interface under router path-selection by @MaheshGSLAB in #4830
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for fips_restrictions under management security by @KrasenKolev in #4845
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Additional interface TE options by @emilarista in #4823
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for configuring
dhcp server ipv4
anddhcp server ipv6
for Port-Channel interfaces by @Shivani-gslab in #4885 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for Virtual Router MAC Address Advertisement Interval by @MaheshGSLAB in #4891
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for Next Hop Self Source Interface to EVPN Peer Groups by @ccsnw in #4903
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add tls option for logging protocol by @emilarista in #4914
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for unix-socket protocol by @KrasenKolev in #4898
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add match dscp and ecn support to class map type qos by @Vibhu-gslab in #4863
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for for NAT service_profile under L3 port_channel interface by @Shivani-gslab in #4934
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add interface TE twamp-light with fallback knobs by @emilarista in #4935
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for mpls tunnel termination settings by @ccsnw in #4888
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Relax mode in structured config by @gmuloc in #4784
- Feat(eos_designs): Improve
settings forp2p_links
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4612 - Feat(eos_designs): Added support to set RCF for peer group in router bgp address family IPv4/IPv6 by @MaheshGSLAB in #4804
- Feat(eos_designs): sflow_polling_interval by @ernestoherrerab in #4820
- Feat(eos_designs): Add
option fordefault_interfaces
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4828 - Feat(eos_designs): Added rack, pod, dc, fabric information in the structured_config metadata by @MaheshGSLAB in #4827
- Feat(eos_designs): Add missing schemas for eos_designs by @Vibhu-gslab in #4840
- Feat(eos_designs): Added support for use different router IDs per VRF defined in network services by @MaheshGSLAB in #4775
- Feat(eos_designs): Add platform match criteria for network_ports by @kpbush30 in #4798
- Feat(eos_designs): Support multiple IP pools and/or IP ranges for all pools by @ClausHolbechArista in #4883
- Feat(eos_designs): Only enable PTP on certain uplinks by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4819
- Feat(eos_designs): Optional dedicated MLAG peer group for VRFs by @Vibhu-gslab in #4881
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support for l3_port_channel_interfaces for WAN by @ashenoy-arista in #4752
Other Changes
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.7.4 to 0.8.0 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4758
- Refactor(plugins): Optimize schema validation by @ClausHolbechArista in #4757
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding support to disable make_before_break for PIM sparse-mode by @davidhayes9 in #4745
- Refactor(eos_designs): Use python classes built from schemas for inputs by @ClausHolbechArista in #4603
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4770
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Improve the aaa accounting j2 template by @MaheshGSLAB in #4636
- Bump: Pre-release 5.2.0-dev1 by @carlbuchmann in #4792
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4791
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Update eos template to validate
key defined inaaa_server_group
model by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4748 - Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.2 to 0....
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix wrong variable used in
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4814
Fixed issues in eos_designs
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(cv_deploy): Ignore missing structured config files by @ClausHolbechArista in #4836
- Doc(eos_cli_config_gen): Improve snmp server documention by @carlbuchmann in #4806
- Doc: Fix wrong command in cv-pathinder example by @gmuloc in #4837
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for 'cipher v1.0' and 'cipher v1.3' under management_security.ssl_profiles by @Shivani-gslab in #4782
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add min-links in port-channel-interfaces by @Vibhu-gslab in #4790
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for global MPLS RSVP by @Vibhu-gslab in #4634
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added outlier elimination feature support for AVT profile by @MaheshGSLAB in #4762
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add switchport 'tap' and 'tool' mode config to the ethernet and port-channel interfaces by @Shivani-gslab in #4174
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add interface traffic engineering and TE admin group for ethernet/port-channel by @emilarista in #4754
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for IP locking enforcement disabled and address family IPv4/IPv6 by @MaheshGSLAB in #4803
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Relax mode in structured config by @gmuloc in #4784
- Feat(eos_designs): Improve
settings forp2p_links
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4612 - Feat(eos_designs): Added support to set RCF for peer group in router bgp address family IPv4/IPv6 by @MaheshGSLAB in #4804
- Feat(eos_designs): sflow_polling_interval by @ernestoherrerab in #4820
Other Changes
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4791
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Update eos template to validate
key defined inaaa_server_group
model by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4748 - Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4811
- Refactor(plugins): Improve schema models by @ClausHolbechArista in #4795
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4833
- Refactor(eos_designs): Structured config output by @ClausHolbechArista in #4700
New Contributors
- @ernestoherrerab made their first contribution in #4820
Full Changelog: v5.2.0-dev1...v5.2.0-dev2
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the invalid configuration of vpn-route in export direction for router bgp vrf by @MaheshGSLAB in #4765
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(eos_validate_state): Fix the DHCP not recognized error for STUN and Connectivity tests by @MaheshGSLAB in #4764
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add is_hostname knob to router_isis by @ccsnw in #4755
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for DHCP client accept default route feature in port-channel interfaces by @MaheshGSLAB in #4767
Other Changes
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.7.4 to 0.8.0 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4758
- Refactor(plugins): Optimize schema validation by @ClausHolbechArista in #4757
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding support to disable make_before_break for PIM sparse-mode by @davidhayes9 in #4745
- Refactor(eos_designs): Use python classes built from schemas for inputs by @ClausHolbechArista in #4603
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4770
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Improve the aaa accounting j2 template by @MaheshGSLAB in #4636
New Contributors
- @davidhayes9 made their first contribution in #4745
Full Changelog: v5.1.0...v5.2.0-dev1
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Prevent empty source and dest ports list for ip access lists by @gmuloc in #4660
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Add redistribution of attached-host to BGP for inband management by @ClausHolbechArista in #4696
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(eos_validate_state): Fix the VerifyLLDPNeighbors test to skip in case validate_state is set to False by @MaheshGSLAB in #4679
- Doc(eos_designs,eos_cli_config_gen): Fix incorrect schemas by @ClausHolbechArista in #4691
- Doc: Fix invalid deprecation links by @ClausHolbechArista in #4703
- Doc(eos_designs): Add note in network services redistribute connected regarding VRF default by @carlbuchmann in #4704
- Doc: Fix MPLS node types documentation in node_types table by @gmuloc in #4733
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for OSPF graceful restart by @Shivani-gslab in #4591
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added dot1x radius av-pair
command support by @MaheshGSLAB in #4618 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add maximum_paths to router_bgp.vrfs by @juanjtomasg in #4655
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for
neighbor x.x.x.x encapsulation mpls next-hop-self source-intf <source-interface>
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4608 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add vrf support for vmtracer_sessions by @Shivani-gslab in #4601
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4625 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Expand CLI to support DualEncap MH EVPN GW requirements by @colinmacgiolla in #4613
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for deadtime configuration to radius_server by @Shivani-gslab in #4614
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add integrity key under ike policy by @sugetha24 in #4606
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Support for Interface Profiles on Port-channel interfaces by @JaakkoRautanen in #4661
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for LSP and CSNP timers under router_isis by @Shivani-gslab in #4619
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for
mac timestamp header
command by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4635 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding improved model for interface link tracking groups by @Vibhu-gslab in #4610
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for ipv4/ipv6 access group ingress default in system.control_plane by @Vibhu-gslab in #4710
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add BFD Slow-Timer Knob by @ccsnw in #4718
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for
monitor server radius
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4595 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for additional isis authentication commands in
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4326 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for BGP default timers and send-community commands by @Shivani-gslab in #4607
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for additional modes and feature in isis authentication under
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4353
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support the all dot1x features under adapters/port-profiles/network-ports by @ClausHolbechArista in #4648
- Feat(eos_designs): Add option to disable default 'redistribute connected' in VRF. by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4220
- Feat(eos_designs): Adding port_channel_id as option for endpoint ethernet description by @bjmeuer in #4667
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support to use router general for router id by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4687
New features and enhancement in both eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_designs,eos_cli_config_gen): Support for IPv6 on network services VRF diagnostic loopback by @Vibhu-gslab in #4222
Other new features and enhancements
- Feat(eos_validate_state): Added the support of
key to skip the VerifyLLDPNeighbors tests by @MaheshGSLAB in #4684 - Feat(plugins): Set changed=true and print yellow updates when recompiling schemas/templates by @gmuloc in #4715
- Feat(plugins): Verify pyavd extras again in verify_requirements by @gmuloc in #4720
PyAVD Changes
- Refactor(pyavd): Adding
attribute to the validation error for removed keys by @Shivani-gslab in #4688
Other Changes
- Bump: 5.1.0-dev0 by @carlbuchmann in #4658
- Bump: Pre-release 5.1.0-dev1 by @carlbuchmann in #4678
- Refactor(cv_deploy): Improve metadata for zscaler by @ClausHolbechArista in #4631
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding check for hosts key in TACACS server j2 file by @Vibhu-gslab in #4701
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.5.6 to 0.7.3 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4714
- Bump(requirements): Update ansible-core requirement from <2.18.0,>=2.15.0 to >=2.15.0,<2.19.0 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4713
- Bump: Pre-release 5.1.0-dev2 by @carlbuchmann in #4705
- Refactor(eos_designs): Use new isis_authentication data models by @ClausHolbechArista in #4734
New Contributors
- @juanjtomasg made their first contribution in #4655
- @JaakkoRautanen made their first contribution in #4661
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.1.0
What's Changed
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Prevent empty source and dest ports list for ip access lists by @gmuloc in #4660
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Add redistribution of attached-host to BGP for inband management by @ClausHolbechArista in #4696
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(eos_validate_state): Fix the VerifyLLDPNeighbors test to skip in case validate_state is set to False by @MaheshGSLAB in #4679
- Doc(eos_designs,eos_cli_config_gen): Fix incorrect schemas by @ClausHolbechArista in #4691
- Doc: Fix invalid deprecation links by @ClausHolbechArista in #4703
- Doc(eos_designs): Add note in network services redistribute connected regarding VRF default by @carlbuchmann in #4704
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for deadtime configuration to radius_server by @Shivani-gslab in #4614
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add integrity key under ike policy by @sugetha24 in #4606
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Support for Interface Profiles on Port-channel interfaces by @JaakkoRautanen in #4661
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for LSP and CSNP timers under router_isis by @Shivani-gslab in #4619
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for
mac timestamp header
command by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4635 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding improved model for interface link tracking groups by @Vibhu-gslab in #4610
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for ipv4/ipv6 access group ingress default in system.control_plane by @Vibhu-gslab in #4710
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add BFD Slow-Timer Knob by @ccsnw in #4718
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for
monitor server radius
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4595
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support to use router general for router id by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4687
New features and enhancement in both eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_designs,eos_cli_config_gen): Support for IPv6 on network services VRF diagnostic loopback by @Vibhu-gslab in #4222
Other new features and enhancements
- Feat(eos_validate_state): Added the support of
key to skip the VerifyLLDPNeighbors tests by @MaheshGSLAB in #4684 - Feat(plugins): Set changed=true and print yellow updates when recompiling schemas/templates by @gmuloc in #4715
- Feat(plugins): Verify pyavd extras again in verify_requirements by @gmuloc in #4720
PyAVD Changes
- Refactor(pyavd): Adding
attribute to the validation error for removed keys by @Shivani-gslab in #4688
Other Changes
- Refactor(cv_deploy): Improve metadata for zscaler by @ClausHolbechArista in #4631
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen): Adding check for hosts key in TACACS server j2 file by @Vibhu-gslab in #4701
- Bump(requirements): Bump ruff from 0.5.6 to 0.7.3 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4714
- Bump(requirements): Update ansible-core requirement from <2.18.0,>=2.15.0 to >=2.15.0,<2.19.0 in /ansible_collections/arista/avd by @dependabot in #4713
- Bump: Pre-release 5.1.0-dev2 by @carlbuchmann in #4705
New Contributors
- @JaakkoRautanen made their first contribution in #4661
Full Changelog: v5.1.0-dev1...v5.1.0-dev2
What's Changed
New features and enhancements in eos_cli_config_gen
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add support for OSPF graceful restart by @Shivani-gslab in #4591
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added dot1x radius av-pair
command support by @MaheshGSLAB in #4618 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add maximum_paths to router_bgp.vrfs by @juanjtomasg in #4655
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Added support for
neighbor x.x.x.x encapsulation mpls next-hop-self source-intf <source-interface>
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4608 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add vrf support for vmtracer_sessions by @Shivani-gslab in #4601
- Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Add
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4625 - Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Expand CLI to support DualEncap MH EVPN GW requirements by @colinmacgiolla in #4613
New features and enhancements in eos_designs
- Feat(eos_designs): Add support the all dot1x features under adapters/port-profiles/network-ports by @ClausHolbechArista in #4648
- Feat(eos_designs): Add option to disable default 'redistribute connected' in VRF. by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4220
- Feat(eos_designs): Adding port_channel_id as option for endpoint ethernet description by @bjmeuer in #4667
Other Changes
- Bump: 5.1.0-dev0 by @carlbuchmann in #4658
New Contributors
- @juanjtomasg made their first contribution in #4655
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.1.0-dev1
What's Changed
Breaking Changes
- Fix(eos_designs)!: VARPv6 config is not generated even when "ipv6_enable: true" is specified by @bjmeuer in #4208
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen)!: Removing default type: switched from ethernet and port-channel interfaces by @Shivani-gslab in #4355
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change the default value of
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4371 - Fix(eos_designs)!: Add missing BGP peer description for MLAG peerings in VRFs by @ClausHolbechArista in #4394
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change the default value of
by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4373 - Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change merge strategy for SVI structured_config from SVI profiles by @ClausHolbechArista in #4383
- Fix(eos_designs)!: Do not render EVPN address-family on MPLS devices unless
by @ClausHolbechArista in #4390 - Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen)!: Make router_traffic_engineering.enabled required by @gmuloc in #4403
- Feat(eos_designs)!: Update the default platform settings for R3-series to have TCAM profile "vxlan-routing" by @ClausHolbechArista in #4387
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen)!: Make
Required by @Shivani-gslab in #4401 - Feat(eos_designs)!: Improve logic for BGP configuration of network services VRFs by @ClausHolbechArista in #4358
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Raise AVD error if sFlow is enabled but
is not configured by @MaheshGSLAB in #4402 - Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen,eos_designs)!: Update router_ospf.redistribute.bgp/connected/static with enabled keys by @Vibhu-gslab in #4417
- Feat(eos_designs)!: Shutdown interfaces and bgp towards undeployed peers by default by @Shivani-gslab in #4424
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Import AvdIpAddressing class from PyAVD by @ClausHolbechArista in #4422
- Fix(eos_designs)!: BGP vlan config should not have redistribute igmp when belonging to a VRF with evpn multicast by @Vibhu-gslab in #4210
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change loopback0 description and terminology to router_id_loopback by @ClausHolbechArista in #4448
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: WAN default MTU set to 9194 for Dps and WAN HA interfaces and for LAN uplink interfaces added
support in platform settings by @MaheshGSLAB in #4415 - Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change the default Loopback1 description by @ClausHolbechArista in #4451
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change the default mgmt_interface_description to upper case by @ClausHolbechArista in #4452
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Rename wan_mode 'autovpn' to 'legacy-autovpn' by @gmuloc in #4473
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Only render IGMP snooping querier version and address when enabled by @MaheshGSLAB in #4478
- Feat(eos_designs)!: Update eos_designs code to generate new switchport model in structured_configs by @Shivani-gslab in #4454
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Combine the VLAN trunk groups used for MLAG by @ClausHolbechArista in #4494
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change default descriptions for connected endpoints and network ports by @ClausHolbechArista in #4457
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen)!: update logic in monitor_sessions to not require both source and destination by @carlbuchmann in #3823
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change default mlag interface descriptions by @ClausHolbechArista in #4464
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen)!: Avoid generating invalid configuration for traffic policies by @MaheshGSLAB in #4266
- Feat(eos_designs,eos_cli_config_gen)!: Change default encapsulation to path-selection for WAN iBGP EVPN peerings by @gmuloc in #4496
- Fix(eos_designs)!: Make evpn_gateway.remote_peers override work as documented by @gmuloc in #4510
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change MLAG VLAN names and SVI descriptions by @ClausHolbechArista in #4479
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change MLAG L3 VRF VLAN names and SVI descriptions by @ClausHolbechArista in #4514
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Raise when a referenced profile name is not defined by @gmuloc in #4516
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change default BGP peer descriptions by @ClausHolbechArista in #4517
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change L3 P2P descriptions for uplinks and p2p_links by @ClausHolbechArista in #4520
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change L2 uplink description by @ClausHolbechArista in #4532
- Refactor(eos_designs)!: Change default VRF Diagnostic Loopback descriptions by @ClausHolbechArista in #4534
- Refactor(eos_cli_config_gen)!: Reorder hardware and hardware-counter commands by @gmuloc in #4580
- Fix(eos_designs)!: Endpoints PoE and 802.1x configuration for port-channel members by @ClausHolbechArista in #4627
Fixed issues in eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix router_isis rx_disabled and mode: shared-secret by @Vibhu-gslab in #4267
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Sort IPsec SA, IKE policies and profiles by @gmuloc in #4227
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Use the correct VRF name for ip nat profile by @gmuloc in #4398
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Remove primary key of system.control_plane.ipv4/6_access_group and make vrf key unique by @Vibhu-gslab in #4465
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the command for next-hop mpls resolution in address-family evpn by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4490
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Do not render entries with only sequence number from ip_access_list by @gmuloc in #4492
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix wrong indentation of config for redistribute routes in
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4552 - Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fixing poe link down power-off action command in j2 template by @Vibhu-gslab in #4576
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen): Fix the maximum-routes, next-hop resolution v4-mapped-v6 translation commands in
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4567
Fixed issues in eos_designs
- Fix(eos_designs): Move schema for ipv4_prefix_list_catalog to pyavd for proper enforcement by @ClausHolbechArista in #4322
- Fix(eos_designs): Do not render vrf default under router ospf by @ClausHolbechArista in #4334
- Fix(eos_designs): Provide the proper kwarg to Ansible Display.warning() in schema tools by @carl-baillargeon in #4345
- Fix(eos_designs): Better error message when missing 'evpn_multicast' for PIM l3 interfaces by @gmuloc in #4391
- Fix(eos_designs): Fix context vars for custom interface description templates by @ClausHolbechArista in #4429
- Fix(eos_designs): Do not filter AVT on HA device if one path-group is present on peer by @gmuloc in #4463
- Fix(eos_designs): Fix schema validation of dynamic keys by @ClausHolbechArista in #4474
- Fix(eos_designs): Use CP-Profile for WAN HA when DP-Profile is not configured by @gmuloc in #4309
- Fix(eos_designs): Add redistribute connected under BGP for VRF default if no underlay by @ClausHolbechArista in #4522
- Fix(eos_designs): Make it possible to add custom PTP profiles by @gmuloc in #4523
- Fix(eos_designs): Fix the Invalid command of
vxlan vxlan vlan <vlan_id> flood vtep
by @MaheshGSLAB in #4592
Fixed issues in both eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen
- Fix(eos_cli_config_gen,eos_designs): Dont configure access group on interface when access group is defined on session level by @laxmikantchintakindi in #4565
Other Fixed issues
- Fix(cv_deploy): Fix async comprehensions in get_tags by @CAR...