Empowering Innovation: Bridging Engineering Expertise with Data Analytics Proficiency for Oceanic Advancements, CPG, Supplay Chain R&D+i
🔭 I’m currently working on Research, Development, and Innovation Projects with the Applied Chemistry to Environment, Food, and Sustainable Development Group
🌱 I’m currently applying and improving Data Analysis, Data Science & Generative AI for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematichs, Supplay Chain, Research, Development and innovation.
👯 I’m eager to engage in collaborative ventures focusing on Data Analysis or Data Science Projects across a spectrum of dynamic sectors, including Maritime Technology, Supply Chain Management, Port and Logistics Development, Oceanography, Fisheries, and Aquaculture. My passion lies in leveraging data-driven insights to drive innovation, optimize operations, and tackle challenges within these industries. With a strong background in data analytics and a deep understanding of the complexities inherent in maritime and related fields, I am well-positioned to contribute effectively to projects that aim to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply my expertise and collaborate with teams dedicated to advancing these crucial domains.
🤝 I’m experienced in Competitive Intelligence, Technological Surveillance, Research, Development, and Innovation in Businesses and Organizations, Elevating them to the Next Level
💬 Ask me about Data, Science, Technology, Development, Innovation and more.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]