This is a repo to hold AREDN packages (OpenWrt) as a separate package feed. These include primarily Makefiles for custom packages.
The following packages are currently supported:
phonebook: A phonebook service running on the AREDN Node fetching a CSV from an upstream server and converting into XML phonebooks which can be fetched by phones.
- See the package folder for AREDN package specific options (i.e. where the configuration file resides).
- See the deb package folder for deb package specific options (e.g. how to build for Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian)
- See the repository for more details including supported flags / configuration options.
sipserver: A (very) simple SIP server allowing local registration. Note that the code is mostly a copy of SipServer apart from a fix to make it run as a daemon.
Each package is defined in a separate folder and aligned with OpenWrt's build system and file locations. See the OpenWrt documentation for more details, but on a high level, this includes:
which contains all the instructions to fetch the source code, build the binary and install it on the target system including (optionally) copying cron files and configuration if needed. -
(Optional) A
directory with default files such as configurations and cron templates which are copied to the target system upon installation (based on instructions in theMakefile
jobs are typically defined as files in/etc/cron.hourly
(there are other options but they tend to be more convoluted).- config files are set up in
for the packages in this repository.
While the Local Builds section should provide enough guidance and pointers to allow building the packages locally for debugging purposes, the release builds should mostly be built by GitHub Actions going forward.
Automated builds are currently configured as follows:
The creation of a new release acts as the trigger (this may be adjusted as we see fit).
Additionally, new builds can be manually triggered.
The actual build runs against one or more architectures (currently
but may be subject to change) in order to support the platforms we need (see Compatibility).- The build runs using the OpenWRT GitHub Action which builds packages using official OpenWrt SDK Docker containers.
- The created packages are then uploaded as artifacts to the build (primarily for debugging purposes at this point).
- More importantly, if the build was triggered by a release, the packages are also wrapped into a ZIP archive and added to the release.
See the build definitions in build.yml
for more details.
In order to be able to compile/use these definitions, familiarize yourself with the OpenWrt build environment. Roughly in order:
- Note: The
package will also requiregolang
which is not part of the suggested build system essentials. Hence, also runsudo install golang
to add it.
- Note: The
More specifically, an end-to-end path for Ubuntu 22.04:
Disclaimer: This will quickly be outdated, so no guarantee that this still works when you run it.
Install the required build system essentials
Install golang as another build system requirement (for the
in particular). Also includevim
(optional).sudo apt install golang vim screen
git clone cd openwrt git tag git checkout v22.03.5
Note: After running
git tag
, pick the version which AREDN is currently compiled against. This can be found in the AREDN source code. -
Add the git source for our AREDN packages feed:
cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf echo 'src-git aredn' >> feeds.conf echo 'src-git upx' >> feeds.conf
Alternatively to the above: In case you want to make local changes to the AREDN CH package definitions, clone them locally and point to them in the feed config:
cd .. git clone arednch cd openwrt cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf echo 'src-link aredn <insert the absolute path to the arednch cloned repo above>' >> feeds.conf echo 'src-git upx' >> feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update -a ./scripts/feeds install -a
make menuconfig
and follow the instructions linked to. -
Compile the toolchain (required at least once per architecture)
Note: Both the following steps will likely take a while to complete.
make tools/install make toolchain/install
This is the example for
but other packages likesipserver
as well as standard OpenWRT packages can be compiled this way.make package/phonebook/compile
Run it with the
option to get much more detailed debugging output:make package/phonebook/compile V=sc
Find the compiled packages
The AREDN CH packages can be found here:
find ./bin/packages -name *.ipk
Standard packages like
which is a required dependency forsipserver
can be found here:find ./bin/targets -name *.ipk
This repository also contains suggested starting points for configs to compile the package with. See the configs
folder. In order to use them, copy the <architecture>.config
file into your build root directory as .config
Important manual changes to the configs (via make menuconfig
or directly in the .config
Target System
: Pick the platform you want to compile for. If you're unsure, see Supported Devices for more info.Subtarget
: Pick the platform you want to compile for. If you're unsure, see Supported Devices for more info.Target Profile
: Pick the platform you want to compile for. If you're unsure, see Supported Devices for more info.Global build settings
>Cryptographically signed package lists
>External bootstrap Go root directory
(set to whatever yourgo
binary is in)Languages
Base system
Once you have a working build setup, you can include the AREDN packages as a feed:
Note: If feeds.conf already exists, you can ignore this step.
cd <your openwrt build/src root>
cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf
Add the following in feeds.conf
src-git aredn
# If you prefer a local copy instead:
# src-link aredn <folder where you have the aredn package definitions (this repo)>
Announce the new feed to the build system:
cd <your openwrt build/src root>
./scripts/feeds update aredn
./scripts/feeds install -a -p aredn
Note: When a new package is added, remember to rerun ./scripts/feeds update aredn
in order to make the build system aware of it.
Once this is set up, you should start to see packages from this feed show up in the available package list when running make menuconfig
Specifically to set up a custom feed, find some more guidance here:
Releases are created for the packages defined / built in this repo:
The following always points to the latest release:
The stable download links for the latest release for each architecture:
Note: Also read the Automated Builds section as it provides the artifacts for these releases.
The releases are usually tested with the latest (stable) version of AREDN firmware. Notably, the software packages are currently built and tested in particular for the following:
- MikroTik hAP AC3 (
) - MikroTik hAP AC Lite (
Note: While we believe these packages should run on most other AREDN firmware versions and likely for many other platforms using the same chipset, we are not testing these explicitly.