AAC(Ascii Art Converter, pronounced with sufficient amounts of aggressive) is a program that converts png image to ascii art.
This project is heavily influenced by structure-based ascii art[1].
This program was made for term project of CSE2035 at Sogang University.
We didn't use image processing library such as OpenCV because using libpng was mandatory.
- This is our team name.
- We suffered badly from floating-point error mitigation while solving Hour-line drawing assignments.
- 20231610 조다니엘(arduinocc04)
- design program, wrote code
- 20221558 박준영(Park-Joonyoung)
- found and fixed memory bug, wrote report, made presentation
- We used libpng, eigen.
pacman -S libpng eigen
is our library. It does - png format image handling, image processing
- *monotone chain(convex hull)[2]
- *grassfire transform[3]
- image comparision based on log-polar transform[4] and Bhattacharya distance[5]. It's influenced by the paper structure-based ascii art[1].
- Suzuki's topological structural analysis[6]
- basic image tracing
- Bresenham's line algorithm[7]
- Cohen–Sutherland algorithm(line clipping)[8]
An asterisk(*) means It didn't used while converting image to ascii art.
- We used doxygen for documentation.
pacman -S doxygen
cd doc && doxygen doxy.conf
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- To use structure-based ascii art, move to build directory and
img2ascii/structure/structure ASCII_FOLDER_NAME INPUT.png SCALE_RATIO
- To use structure-based ascii art with simulated annealing optimization , move to build directory and
img2ascii/structure/sa-structure ASCII_FOLDER_NAME INPUT.png
- To use tone-based ascii art, move to build directory and
img2ascii/tone/tone INPUT.png
structure-based ascii art with simulated annealing optimization(main-sa.cpp
) has some debug features. To disable that features, undefine DEBUG-*
cd build && img2ascii/structure/structure non-hangul-images INPUT.png 1
cd build && img2ascii/structure/sa-structure non-hangul-images INPUT.png
If you usedinstall.sh
will be inside your build directory.
- https://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~ttwong/papers/asciiart/asciiart.html
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Geometry/Convex_hull/Monotone_chain
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassfire_transform
- Computer vision : models, learning, and inference / Simon J. D. Prince.(p. 286-287)
- https://solanian.github.io/posts/histogram-comparison/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0734189X85900167
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen%E2%80%93Sutherland_algorithm