My name is David, I'm a software person and this is my personal webpage.
The blog index is here. It's built with Pandoc and deployed as a Github Page.
file of this repo is deployed as Github
and the html
version of it which is generated with
Pandoc (same process as my blog) is the index of
my Github Page.
DONE Add Org Mode and Markdown support
DONE Add fortune cookies
TODO Try blockquote tag for fortune cookie message
TODO Investigate DRY for build. Makefile reusable parts, pandoc configuration file
TODO Try –number-sections
TODO Investigate –indented-code-classes
TODO Check out pandocsql
TODO Libraries to write Pandoc filters in Rust, Guile, TypeScript (Deno or just Nodejs typings)
TODO Make blog index include full hierarchy
TODO Make blog index appear on posts with other series collapsed by default
TODO Dark mode (dracula)
TODO Dedicated templates/styles per page/post for seasonal posts
TODO Add blog index to home page (readme)
TODO move blog to arcmode/blog
TODO specific templates (profile, homepage, blog root)
TODO boilerplate automation (webcomponents)
TODO use target-specific variables for pandoc formats
TODO custom style for ascii art
TODO add configuration file following XDG conventions
TODO split
of profile repo and profile