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Add Conversion QS, Pre-Upgrade QS, and Edits to Pre-conversion. (RedH…
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* added new convert qs

* updated text to say conversion vs preconversion

* minor text updates to both preconversion and conversion QS to align with guidlines.

* edits and added pre-upgrade QS

* Updated metadata tag to match the quickstart name
  • Loading branch information
arburka authored Apr 22, 2024
1 parent cb1f63e commit aa8889d
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Showing 5 changed files with 278 additions and 61 deletions.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Additional info:
name: insights-tasks-convert
# you can add additional metadata here
instructional: true
displayName: Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7 in Insights
durationMinutes: 10 (active)
# Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card
text: Quick start
# 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'green' | 'orange' | 'purple' | 'red' | 'grey'
color: green
icon: 
- You have completed, reviewed, and addressed any issues in a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
description: |-
Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
introduction: |-
After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
Before performing the conversion, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
Additional information:
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
- You can convert to RHEL using several supported methods depending on your requirements. [View supported conversion methods.](
- title: Convert a CentOS 7 system to RHEL 7 using Insights
description: |-
[Before converting, back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed]{{admonition important}}
[To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems with unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detailing the systems that were successfully converted and summarizing any problems for any that were not.<br>
**Run the conversion task:**
1. Log into the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
1. Locate the **Convert to RHEL from CentOS 7 Linux** task and click **Select systems.**
1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
[The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- title: Review conversion report
description: |-
1. Go to the **Activity tab** and find the newly generated conversion report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
1. After task completion, you can review each system and message:<br>
Each issue is assigned a severity level.
- **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- **Overridable inhibitor**: The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
- **Skipped:** The conversion failed because the Conversion task could not run one or more tests. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- **Converted:** The system has been converted. Reboot this system.
1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and skip the next step.
1. If the system was not converted, review the message for more information on the found problems and how to resolve them. Additionally, verify the following:<br>
- You have completed all the steps to [prepare for a conversion using Insights.] (
- The system contains all packages required for the conversion.
- The system is running.
- You have resolved all issues in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
1. After rebooting the system that has been successfully converted, remove third-party packages from the original OS that remained unchanged. These are typically packages that do not have a RHEL counterpart. To get a list of these packages, use:<br>
- `# yum list extras --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=`{{copy}}<br>
- Add your repository after `enablerepo`.
1. **Optional:** Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes.<br>
For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] ( and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] ( guides.
conclusion: |-
**Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
For additional information about tasks, [visit the documentation for remediating systems using tasks in Insights.](
For additional information about conversions, [visit the conversion documentation.](
If you need additional assistance, [open a support case](
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
kind: QuickStarts # kind must always be "QuickStarts"
name: insights-tasks-convert
tags: # If you want to use more granular filtering add tags to the quickstart
- kind: bundle
value: insights


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