This is the source code for the paper "fuseGNN: Accelerating Graph Convolutional Neural Network Training on GPGPU".
- The "src" folder contains all the CUDA kernels we developed.
- The "fuseGNN" folder contains all the python APIs in different level: functional -> convs -> modules.
Under directory "fuseGNN/testbench", we provide two random testbenchs for a single layer GCN and GAT for both forward and backward passes.
The training of GCN and GAT on different datasets can be launched with "". Different implementations can be selected with the argument "--mode", in particular, "geo" for pytorch geometric, gas for our fused-GAS abstraction, and gar for our fused-GAR abstraction. For GAT, we demonstrate the single attention head scenario, while the multi-attention head can be implemented by slightly modifying the related cuda kernels.