Important: X breaking changes below, indicated by ❗ BREAKING ❗
has been deprecated - @EverlastingBugstopper, #1058rover fed2 supergraph compose
has been deprecated. You should instead setfederation_version: 2
in yoursupergraph.yaml
to use Federation 2 with therover supergraph compose
🚀 Features
rover supergraph compose
optionally updates automatically - @EverlastingBugstopper, #1058 fixes #2046When running
rover supergraph compose
, Rover will automatically download the correct version of composition to use. In yoursupergraph.yaml
files, you can specifyfederation_version: 1
orfederation_version: 2
to always get the latest updates. You can pass the--skip-update
flag to skip checking for an update. You can also specify an exact version if you'd like to pin your federation version, like so:federation_version: =2.0.0
.Additionally, you can run
rover install --plugin supergraph@latest-2
orrover install --plugin [email protected]
to install a plugin ahead of time, which may be helpful in CI. For Federation 2, you'll have to accept the ELv2 license one time per machine. You likely want to setAPOLLO_ELV2_LICENSE=accept
in CI if you are using Federation 2. -
torover config whoami
- @EverlastingBugstopper, #1043 fixes #1023Previously, running
rover config whoami
would output your entire API key to the terminal. This is not the documented behavior, and it is insecure because someone could be sharing their screen while trying to debug and accidentally leak their API key.Now,
rover config whoami
will mask your API key when it prints to the terminal. You can override this behavior by passing the--insecure-unmask-key
flag. -
Retry on timeouts and connection errors - @ptondereau, #1014 fixes #790
Rover will now automatically retry HTTP requests that fail due to timeouts or initial connection errors.
Define an HTTP agent for non-studio requests - @ptondereau, #1075 fixes #961
Rover now sends a User-Agent header along with all requests, not just requests to Apollo Studio.
Adds support for HTTP(S) proxies in npm installer - @farawaysouthwest, #1067 fixes #899
You can now install Rover from npm if you are behind a proxy.
🐛 Fixes
- Fixed a dead link in ARCHITECTURE.md - @ptondereau, #1053
🛠 Maintenance
rover subgraph fetch
query - @EverlastingBugstopper, #1056 fixes #992rover subgraph fetch
now uses a much more efficient query that only requests a single subgraph at a time rather than all of them. Yay GraphQL!
📚 Documentation
Set up new docs infrastructure - @trevorblades, #1051, #1052
@trevorblades has done an awesome job setting up new docs for Apollo, including Rover! Check out the shiny new repo.
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