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Neuroproof Tool

dxenes1 edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 1 revision

I2G Tool: NeuroProof


Neuroproof is an image segmentation software tool developed by the FlyEM Project at Janelia Farm Research Campus. ( Neuroproof allows for agglomerating over-segmented EM volumes. It is best used in conjunction with the GALA tool to provide accurate dense segmentations.

How to build

  1. cd saber/saber/i2g/neuroproof
  2. docker build -t aplbrain/neuroproof .


Our dockerized NeuroProof tool allows for training and deployment and agglomeration classifier.

The training mode (mode: 0) requires the following inputs:

  • over-segmented (watershed) volume file as HDF5 or numpy array (ws_file)
  • respective groundtruth file as HDF5 or numpy array (gt_file)
  • prediction file that contains multiple channels of class predictions* (pred_file)
  • (Optional) Number of iterations for training (num_iterations: 1)
  • (Optional) Whether or not to train for a mitochondria label (use_mito: 0)

The training mode outputs an agglomeration classifier (as an HDF5 File).

The deployment mode (mode: 1) requires the following inputs:

  • over-segmented (watershed) volume file as HDF5 or numpy array (ws_file)
  • prediction file that contains multiple channels of class predictions* (pred_file)
  • agglomeration classifier as an HDF5 file (class_file)

The deployment mode outputs a segmented volume as a numpy file.

Our current tool comes pre-packaged with an agglomeration classifier trained on the Kasthuri AC4 Dataset.

Tip: Binary prediction files can be generated with the membrane detection tool.