This is a sample project to demonstrate how to easily synchronize and onramp multicloud APIs from AWS and Azure to Apigee API Hub.
To use this sample, you will need to have a Google Cloud project with these services enabled:
- Apigee API Hub
- Application Integration
- Cloud Run
Flows that this sample demonstrates:
- Add an API to AWS API Gateway and have it automatically registered in API Hub.
- Add an API to Azure API Mnagement and have it automatically registered in API Hub.
- Add a new version of an API, and have the new version automatically added to the API in API Hub.
- Delete an API in AWS or Azure, and have the version automatically marked as deprecated in API Hub.
After cloning this repository, follow these instructions to deploy into a Google Cloud project.
- Open the file in an editor and set the variables to authorize requests for each cloud environment.
- Run these commands to deploy the solution in a Google Cloud project.
# source the environment variables
# create the resources in a Google Cloud project
After deploying the resources, you can then open the Application Integration console to manage the integrations here: