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Aorith's Neovim Flake

This flake packages Neovim with my custom configuration, including essential tools, linters, and LSP binaries using Nix/nixpkgs.

Don't have Nix?

No worries! You can just clone or link the nvim folder to ~/.config/nvim to use a standard configuration.

How does it work?

The Nix wrapper sets an environment variable (NVIM_NIX=1). If this variable is present, the Nix-specific Lua configuration is loaded. If not, a standard configuration using mini.deps is loaded instead. This default setup doesn't include the bundled tools, linters, or other extras.

With Nix

Run This Configuration

You can run this configuration without installing it on your system. Everything is bundled in the Nix store, except for the files that Neovim creates under ~/.local/....

nix run github:aorith/neovim-flake#default


Run the flake directly from the local folder:

nix run /path/to/your/local/neovim-flake#default

Replace /path/to/your/local/ with the actual path to your local flake directory.

Folder Structure

  • nvim/: Contains the standard Neovim configuration files, similar to what you would find in ~/.config/nvim. The contents of this directory are copied to the Nix store at build time (ensure all the files are tracked by git).

  • nix/neovim.nix: Neovim package provided by nixpkgs with additional configuration, plugins, and dependencies specified in this flake. Two packages are available: default with the neovim configuration embedded in the nix store and nvim-without-config which uses the configuration from ~/.config/nvim-nix, the nvim folder of this repository can be symlinked to that path by running the script

  • nix/plugins.nix: This file specifies the Neovim plugins to be included in the configuration. Plugins can be defined directly from nixpkgs or included from the flake inputs.

  • nix/packages.nix: This file lists extra packages that will be made available in Neovim's $PATH. These packages might include tools, linters, formatters, language servers, or any other binaries that Neovim plugins or configurations might invoke.


Nix Profile

For an imperative installation using nix profile, use the following command:

# Remote install
nix profile install github:aorith/neovim-flake#default

# Or install it using a local clone of this repository
nix profile install /path/to/neovim-flake/#default

To update, first find the profile number associated with your Neovim flake installation using nix profile list, and then use nix profile upgrade with the profile number:

nix profile list # Find the index number for this flake
# Assume the profile number is 2 for the next command
nix profile upgrade 2


To declaratively install this flake in a NixOS configuration, add the package to environment.systemPackages. Here's an example configuration snippet:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    neovim-flake.url = "github:aorith/neovim-flake";
    # ...

  outputs = inputs: {
    nixosConfigurations = {
      trantor = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem
      # ...
          # ...
          modules = [
            ({inputs, ...}: {environment.systemPackages = [inputs.neovim-flake.packages.${system}.default];})

Home Manager

To include it in your Home Manager configuration, add the package to home.packages:

home.packages = [ inputs.neovim-flake.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];


Neovim configuration using a nix flake








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