This utility parses filenames in the formats:
Artist -
And writes the information inside the tag fields, removing all other fields (including album art, track number, genre, etc.)
The fields in the tags are saved as:
Title -> Title
Artist -> Artist
Artist -> Album
And the original file renamed using the format Artist -
Characters different from a-zA-Z0-9 or space will be removed (including special characters and accents), the values are changed to capital case with the file extension in lower case, i.e:
the beatles - hey jude.MP3
is renamed to: The Beatles - Hey Jude.mp3
And the fields of the ID3 tags are set to:
Title: Hey Jude
Artist: The Beatles
Album: The Beatles
$ java -jar tagutil.jar "the beatles - hey jude.MP3"
To run in multiple files use:
$ find . -iname \*.mp3 -exec java -jar tagutil.jar "{}" \;
On Windows
Get-ChildItem -File *.m4a | Foreach {java -jar .\tagutil.jar $_.fullname}
Tested with mp3, ogg and m4a file extensions in Linux and Android (using termux), should run fine in Windows.
This utility uses Jaudiotagger