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JWT verification for openresty

JWT verification library for OpenResty.

Table of Contents


JWT verification library for OpenResty.

The project's goal is to be a modern and slimmer replacement for lua-resty-jwt.

This project does not provide JWT manipulation or creation features: you can only verify/decrypt tokens.


Ready for testing: looking for more people to take it for a spin and provide feedback.

Library non-goals

  • JWT creation/modification
  • Feature complete for the sake of RFCs completeness.
  • Senseless and unsafe RFCs features (e.g. alg none) won't be implemented.

Differences from lua-resty-jwt

Main differences are:

  • No JWT manipulation of any kind (you can only decrypt/verify them)
  • Simpler internal structure reliant on more recent lua-resty-openssl and OpenSSL versions.
  • Supports different JWE algorithms (see tables above).

If any of the points above are a problem, or you need compatibility with older OpenResty version, I recommend sticking with lua-resty-jwt.

Supported features

  • JWS verification: with symmetric or asymmetric keys.
  • JWE decryption: with symmetric or asymmetric keys.
  • Asymmetric keys format supported:
    • PEM
    • DER
    • JWK
  • JWT claim validation.

JWS Verification

Claims Implemented
alg âś…
jku ❌
jwk ❌
kid ❌
x5u ❌
x5c ❌
x5t ❌
x5t#S256 ❌
typ âś…
cty ❌
crit âś…
Alg Implemented
HS256 âś…
HS384 âś…
HS512 âś…
RS256 âś…
RS384 âś…
RS512 âś…
ES256 âś…
ES384 âś…
ES512 âś…
PS256 âś…
PS384 âś…
PS512 âś…
none ❌

JWE Decryption

Claims Implemented
alg âś…
enc âś…
zip ❌
jku ❌
jwk ❌
kid ❌
x5u ❌
x5c ❌
x5t ❌
x5t#S256 ❌
typ âś…
cty ❌
crit âś…
Alg Implemented Requirements
RSA1_5 ❌
RSA-OAEP-256 ❌
A128KW âś… OpenSSL 3.0+
A192KW âś… OpenSSL 3.0+
A256KW âś… OpenSSL 3.0+
dir âś…
PBES2-HS256+A128KW ❌
PBES2-HS384+A192KW ❌
PBES2-HS512+A256KW ❌
Enc Implemented
A128CBC-HS256 âś…
A192CBC-HS384 âś…
A256CBC-HS512 âś…
A128GCM âś…
A192GCM âś…
A256GCM âś…

Missing features

  • Implement JWE validation with at least 1 asymmetric alg.
  • Nested JWT (i.e. JWT in JWE).
  • JWKS workflow:
    • Key retrieval via HTTP with lua-resty-http.
    • Automatic and configurable keys rotation.
    • Investigate keys caching (?).


luarocks install lua-cjson
luarocks install lua-resty-openssl
luarocks install lua-resty-http

JWT Verification Usage


syntax: header, err = jwt.decode_header_unsafe(token)

Read a jwt header and convert it to a lua table.

Important: this method does not validate JWT signature! Only use if you need to inspect the token's header without having to perform the full validation.

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY2NDkwNzJ9._MwFdsBPSyci9iARpoAaulReGcn1q7mKiPZjR2JDvdY"
local header, err = jwt.decode_header_unsafe(token)
if not header then
    return nil, "malformed jwt: " .. err
print("alg: " .. header.alg) -- alg: HS256


syntax: decoded_token, err = jwt.verify(token, secret, options?)

Validate a JWS token and convert it to a lua table.

The optional parameter options can be passed to configure the token validator. Valid fields are:

  • valid_signing_algorithms (dict<string, string> | nil): a dict containing allowed alg claims used to validate the JWT.
  • typ (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim typ matches the passed value.
  • issuer (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim iss matches the passed value.
  • audiences (string | table | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim aud matches one of the supplied values.
  • subject (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim sub matches the passed value.
  • jwtid (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim jti matches the passed value.
  • ignore_not_before (bool): If true, the JWT claim nbf will be ignored.
  • ignore_expiration (bool): If true, the JWT claim exp will be ignored.
  • current_unix_timestamp (datetime | nil): the JWT nbf and exp claims will be validated against this timestamp. If null, will use the current datetime supplied by ngx.time().
  • timestamp_skew_seconds (int):

Default values for options fields:

local verify_default_options = {
    valid_signing_algorithms = {
        ["HS256"]="HS256", ["HS384"]="HS384", ["HS512"]="HS512",
        ["RS256"]="RS256", ["RS384"]="RS384", ["RS512"]="RS512",
        ["ES256"]="ES256", ["ES384"]="ES384", ["ES512"]="ES512",
        ["PS256"]="PS256", ["PS384"]="PS384", ["PS512"]="PS512",
    typ = nil,
    issuer = nil,
    audiences = nil,
    subject = nil,
    jwtid = nil,
    ignore_not_before = false,
    ignore_expiration = false,
    current_unix_timestamp = nil,
    timestamp_skew_seconds = 1,

Minimal example with symmetric keys:

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY2NTUwMTV9.NuEhIzUuufJgPZ8CmCPnD4Vrw7EnTyWD8bGtYCwuDZ0"
local decoded_token, err = jwt.verify(token, "superSecretKey")
if not decoded_token then
    return nil, "invalid jwt: " .. err
print(decoded_token.header.alg) -- HS256
print( -- bar

Minimal example with asymmetric keys:

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY2Njg2Mzd9.H6PE-zLizMMqefx8DG4X5glVjyxR9UNT225Tq2yufHhu4k9K0IGttpykjMCG8Ck_4Qt2ezEWIgoiWhSn1rv_zwxe7Pv-B09fDs7h1hbASi5MZ0YVAmK9ID1RCKM_NTBEnPLot_iopKZRj2_J5F7lvXwJDZSzEAFJZdrgjKeBS4saDZAv7SIL9Nk75rdhgY-RgRwsjmTYSksj7eioRJJLHifrMnlQDbdrBD5_Qk5tD6VPcssO-vIVBUAYrYYTa7M7A_v47UH84zDtzNYBbk9NrDbyq5-tYs0lZwNhIX8t-0VAxjuCyrrGZvv8_O01pdi90kQmntFIbaiDiD-1WlGcGA"
local decoded_token, err = jwt.verify(token, "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvXFhNyhFWuWtFSJqfOAw\np42lLIn9kB9oaciiKgNAYZ8SYw5t9Fo+Zh7IciVijn+cVS2/aoBNg2HhfdYgfpQ/\nsb6jwbRqFMln2GmG+X2aJ2wXMJ/QfxrPFdO9L36bAEwkubUTYXwgMSm1KqWRN8xX\n+oBu+dbyzw7iUbrmw0ybzXKZLJvetCvmt0reU5TvdwoczOWFBSKeYnzBrC6hISD8\n8TYDJ4tiw1EWVOupQGqgel0KjC7iwdIYi7PROn6/1MMnF48zlBbT/7/zORj84Z/y\nDnmxZu1MQ07kHqXDRYumSfCerg5Xw5vde7Tz8O0TWtaYV3HJXNa0VpN5OI3L4y7P\nhwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
if not decoded_token then
    return nil, "invalid jwt: " .. err
print(decoded_token.header.alg) -- RS256
print( -- bar

Examples with custom options:

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTY2NTUwMTV9.NuEhIzUuufJgPZ8CmCPnD4Vrw7EnTyWD8bGtYCwuDZ0"
local decoded_token, err = jwt.verify(token, "superSecretKey", {
    valid_signing_algorithms = {["HS256"]="HS256", ["HS384"]="HS384", ["HS512"]="HS512"}, -- only allow HS family algs
    audiences = {"user", "admin"}, -- `aud` must be one of the following
    ignore_not_before = true -- ignore `nbf` claim (not recommended)
if not decoded_token then
    return nil, "invalid jwt: " .. err
print(decoded_token.header.alg) -- HS256
print( -- bar


syntax: decoded_token, err = jwt.decrypt(token, secret, options?)

Decrypt and validate a JWE token and convert it to a lua table.

The optional parameter options can be passed to configure the token validator. Valid fields are:

  • valid_encryption_alg_algorithms (dict<string, string> | nil): a dict containing allowed alg claims used to decrypt the JWT.
  • valid_encryption_enc_algorithms (dict<string, string> | nil): a dict containing allowed enc claims used to decrypt the JWT.
  • typ (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim typ matches the passed value.
  • issuer (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim iss matches the passed value.
  • audiences (string | table | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim aud matches one of the supplied values.
  • subject (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim sub matches the passed value.
  • jwtid (string | nil): if non-null, ensure JWT claim jti matches the passed value.
  • ignore_not_before (bool): If true, the JWT claim nbf will be ignored.
  • ignore_expiration (bool): If true, the JWT claim exp will be ignored.
  • current_unix_timestamp (datetime | nil): the JWT nbf and exp claims will be validated against this timestamp. If null, will use the current datetime supplied by ngx.time().
  • timestamp_skew_seconds (int):

Default values for options fields:

local decrypt_default_options = {
    valid_encryption_alg_algorithms = {
        ["A128KW"]="A128KW", ["A192KW"]="A192KW", ["A256KW"]="A256KW",
    valid_encryption_enc_algorithms = {
    typ = nil,
    issuer = nil,
    audiences = nil,
    subject = nil,
    jwtid = nil,
    ignore_not_before = false,
    ignore_expiration = false,
    current_unix_timestamp = nil,
    timestamp_skew_seconds = 1,

Minimal example with symmetric keys:

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0.zAIq7qVAEO-eCG6gOdd3ld8_IHzeq3UlaWLHF2IDn6nNUuHh5n_i4w.5CM864cgiBgFPwluW4ViRg.mUeX7zHDVNsXhys0XO5S4w.t3yAR_HU0GDTEyCbpRa6BQ"
local decoded_token, err = jwt.decrypt(token, "superSecretKey12")
if not decoded_token then
    return nil, "invalid jwt: " .. err
print(decoded_token.header.alg) -- A128KW
print(decoded_token.header.enc) -- A128CBC-HS256
print( -- bar

Minimal example with asymmetric keys: TODO: not implemented

Examples with custom options:

local jwt = require("resty.jwt-verification")

local token = "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0.zAIq7qVAEO-eCG6gOdd3ld8_IHzeq3UlaWLHF2IDn6nNUuHh5n_i4w.5CM864cgiBgFPwluW4ViRg.mUeX7zHDVNsXhys0XO5S4w.t3yAR_HU0GDTEyCbpRa6BQ"
local decoded_token, err = jwt.decrypt(token, "superSecretKey12", {
    valid_encryption_alg_algorithms = {["A128KW"]="A128KW"}, -- only allow A128KW family algs (requires OpenSSL 3.0+)
    valid_encryption_enc_algorithms = {["A128CBC-HS256"]="A128CBC-HS256"}, -- only allow A128CBC family encs
    audiences = {"user", "admin"}, -- `aud` must be one of the following
    ignore_not_before = true -- ignore `nbf` claim (not recommended)
if not decoded_token then
    return nil, "invalid jwt: " .. err
print(decoded_token.header.alg) -- A128KW
print(decoded_token.header.enc) -- A128CBC-HS256
print( -- bar

RFCs used as reference

  • RFC 7515 JSON Web Signature (JWS)
  • RFC 7516 JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
  • RFC 7517 JSON Web Key (JWK)
  • RFC 7518 JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)
  • RFC 7519 JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • RFC 7520 Examples of Protecting Content Using JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)

Run tests


Install test suit:

sudo cpan Test::Nginx

Install openresty: see


export PATH=/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin:$PATH
prove -r t


JWT verification lib for openresty








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