Mansions of Madness 2nd edition - scenario - Five Crimes at Crimson Alley
This is the scenario "Five Crimes at Crimson Alley" created by Anton Timmermans.
This 2-4 player scenario can be played with Mansions of Madness 2nd edition Base game. Expansions "1st edition or (Recurring Nightmares and Suppressed Memories), Streets of Arkham, Sanctum of Twilight and Path of the Serpent" add a little variation.
02-08-2020 V1.0 Initial version.
09-08-2020 v1.1 Added a time limit based on initial feedback
12-08-2020 v1.2 Corrected double spawn bug based on feedback
28-09-2020 v1.3 Added English Voice over from Stephen Weese # and Spanish translation by Vidimus
29-09-2020 v1.3b small text adjustments in Intro, fixed sedatives image when handing out item
29-09-2020 v1.3c Polish translation added by Litas
01-11-2020 v1.3d Russian translation added by AVAvovan #3
03-11-2020 v1.3e Improved Polish translation added by Litas #4
06-11-2020 v1.3f Added Spanish Audio files by Noviembre Nocturno & Onh Doctor
14-11-2020 v1.3g Updated Spanish translation (Vidimus)
27-11-2020 v1.4 Updated for Valkyrie 2.5.0 using BeforeMonsterActivation
10-12-2020 v1.4a Add Korean Translation by cheeseguyhcl
16-05-2021 v1.4b Corrected Old Journal common -> unique in English text
15-10-2021 v1.4c Added Portuguese translation by Bola
15-10-2021 v1.4d changed Portuguese translation credentials to MoM Group on request of Bola
05-11-2021 v1.4e Updated Portuguese translation, fixes by Bola
21-02-2022 v1.4f Added French translation by facrax
26-02-2022 v1.4g Updated French translation by facrax, minor text formatting corrections
06-05-2022 v1.4h Updated French translation by facrax, updates after feedback
20-07-2022 v1.4i Updated Portuguese translation by Bola, updates after feedback
20-07-2022 v1.4j Added German Translation translation by frankenraecher
15-12-2023 v1.4k Added MinCam and MaxCam Settings to limit camera movement to play board
10-03-2024 v1.4l Added Itallian translation by Riccardo Spadini (Rychard)