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download fedra-vx-xx-xx.tgz  from

In order to compile libEOracle please read src/doc/oracle_access.txt to 
install Oracle OCCI package 


in your fedra directory unpack fedra-vx-xx-xx.tgz as 
[fedra]$ tar zxvf fedra-vx-xx-xx.tgz  

Automatic installation procedure for linux (thanks to Markus)

type in this directory
"./" or 
". ./" (depending on the shell)

This script do: 
- setting of variables in config-files
- compilation of libraries and "recset" on demand.
- creation of  "" is included, depending on default SHELL from
  the user, placed at top directory.

at this point all libraries/binaries should be created and ready for use

type "source ./" to update PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

After FEDRA installation
To use fedra libraries in the interactive root session it is necessary to load them. 
This job usually done by script rootlogon.C coming with fedra distribution. ROOT look first 
for the rootlogon.C in the current directory then in directories specified by Root.MacroPath in .rootrc file. 
The fedra rootlogon.C file after installation is located in FEDRA_ROOT/macros directory as well as fedra.rootrc file. 
If you do not have a .rootrc file in your $HOME folder, just do

  cp $FEDRA_ROOT/macros/fedra.rootrc $HOME/.rootrc

If you already have the file, just add the lines from this example of .rootrc file
# Specific for FEDRA root environment settings
# To be available this file should be $HOME/.rootrc file in
# user's directory
Unix.*.Root.MacroPath:      .:$(FEDRA_ROOT)/macros
WinNT.*.Root.MacroPath:     .;$(FEDRA_ROOT)/macros

Additional operations required for ROOT6:

The default rootlogon.C script is set for ROOT5. 
Therefore, to activate the updated version for ROOT6 you need to do the following steps:

 cp $FEDRA_ROOT/src/*/*.pcm $FEDRA_ROOT/lib
 cp $FEDRA_ROOT/src/*/*/*.pcm $FEDRA_ROOT/lib
 cp $FEDRA_ROOT/macros/rootlogon_root6x.C $FEDRA_ROOT/macros/rootlogon.C
 cp $FEDRA_ROOT/macros_root6/*.C $FEDRA_ROOT/macros


  - MS Visual Studio .NET 2003 or more
  - ROOT 4.04.02 or more
  - NTFS file system

 1. in your fedra directory unpack fedra-vx-xx-xx.tgz
 2. register the SySalDataIO library (open the command prompt, change to
    the SySalDataIO.dll folder and type "regsvr32 SysSalDataIO.dll").
 3. click on the "install.cmd" icon.

NOTE: After the installation, the environment variables are updated only 
 for the current user. Any other user must execute the "setup_new.cmd" to 
 update its environment variables.

Windows (for developers):

How to compile FEDRA from the command prompt:

 - Open the command prompt and execute 
   "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vsvars32.bat" 
   or artenatively open a "Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt" from
   the start menu (Visual Studio .NET Tools).
 - Change to the fedra directory and type install.cmd
   Type "setup_new.cmd" to update PATH and environment variables.
   Restart the command prompt to use new environment variables.
 - change folder which contains the source code you want to compile
   and type "nmake" or (if Makefile.w32 exists) "nmake /F Makefile.w32" 

How to compile FEDRA from the Visual Studio Development Environment:
 Once you have set the environment variables and path (run install.cmd,
 don't compile libraries and then run setup_new.cmd), FEDRA can be compiled
 also from the Visual Studio Development Environment.

 The MS Visual Studio solution is $(FEDRA_ROOT)\win32\solution\Fedra.sln
 Take care to set the $(ROOTSYS)\bin in the "executable" directories 
 otherwise rootcint cannot be executed:
	- from the menu toolbar: Tools->Options->Projects->VC++ Directories 
	- show directories for "Executables files" 
	- add $(ROOTSYS)\bin