Requires Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy or Advanced Fantasy. Find the game at Necrotic Gnome's website.
Find this Foundry VTT game system within Foundry VTT's system browser with the search term ose
You may also copy the manifest link below and paste it into the manifest link input box.
The Old-School Essentials Content Compendium is a Foundry VTT module separate from the system. Find it within Foundry VTT's module browser with the search term ose
You may also copy the manifest link below and paste it into the manifest link input box.
If you use this system and want to show your appreciation, here's a couple free things you can do.
- If you're a GitHub user, please give us a GitHub star.
- If you're a Foundry Hub user, please endorse us or write a comment (happy feedback and constructive feedback appreciated).
- If you speak a non-English language fluently, please contribute some of your time on an open source translation. Join the ose project on Crowdin.
- If you speak JavaScript, please consider contributing code.
Here's a couple paid things you can do.
- If you'd like to support the original maintainer of this system, U~man, buy them a coffee on Ko-Fi. It is largely because of U~man's generosity that we are able to continue providing a free and open source system for Foundry VTT users.
- Official Necrotic Gnome Foundry VTT Editions support the maintainence of the codebase. For official announcements, follow the Necrotic Gnome blog or subscribe to their newsletter.
- Third-party releases may support one or more of our open source contributors. Find out more on our website.
It's always appreciated when users submit an issue for all kinds of user questions, comments, and concerns. For those who prefer support via public chat, we recommend asking in:
- The #dnd-other channel in the official Foundry VTT Discord server
- The #ose-virtual-tabletop channel in the official Necrotic Gnome Discord server
- There is a Discord server for Unofficial Old-School Essentials on Foundry VTT. You can find it on this repo's New Issue page.
- There are unofficial Foundry VTT user communities for many other languages if you'd prefer to discuss Foundry VTT in another language. Keep in mind that it's unlikely you'll find answers to your questions about a less popular game system like Old-School Essentials, but they are good for asking questions about Foundry VTT in general.
- The /r/FoundryVTT community on Reddit may also have answers to your Foundry VTT questions, but it is another general Foundry VTT user community that may not have many users with specific knowledge about OSE. Be sure to write
in your post subject and selectFVTT Question
from the "Flair" menu.
We do not offer user support via email. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Any feedback is deeply appreciated. Please browse the open issues and if there's not a matching one already, open a new one.
If you're a developer, look for our file.
If you speak a non-English language, Join the ose project on Crowdin.
This third party product is not affiliated with or approved by Necrotic Gnome.
Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. The trademark and Old-School Essentials logo are used with permission of Necrotic Gnome, under license. Permission to use Old-School Essentials in the ruleset title granted by Necrotic Gnome.
Weapon quality icons, and the Treasure chest are from Rexxard.
The Unofficial Old-School Essentials on Foundry VTT logo is used with permission from project contributor Godforsaken.
You may direct licensing inquiries to [email protected].
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Godforsaken84 🎨 |
Stephen FAURE 💻 |
Ian Engleback 💻 |
Grim 💻 |
WallaceMcGregor 🌍 |
Lorenzo Castelletta 🌍 |
herrsquash 🌍 |
Igor Teuri 🌍 |
hogwrassler 💻 |
Tim 💻 |
Michael Schilling 💻 |
Adam Oresten 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!