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🦔 Dotfiles

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This repository holds my local configurations. Feel free to take ideas from it to improve your own dotfiles.

❗If you want to use this repository, I recommend forking this repository before usage. I do unannounced breaking changes regularly.

🖥️ Supported OS

  • WSL2 - Ubuntu 20.04, on Windows 11
  • Ubuntu 22.04, Jammy LTS
  • Mac OS Big Sur (not tested)

✨ Features

The features integrated within this repository stems from my workflows.

Allows for machine specific configurations

My workflows use different machines with slightly different configuration, tools, and usage. For example, my work machine has VPN shortcuts which I do not want to commit to this repository.

See adding custom local configs.

Budget version of z for directory traverse: bm and goto

For those have not checked out z, I recommend trying it out for fast travels between directories. This repository provides a budget version of z, powered by fzf: bm (bookmark) and goto.

  • bm bookmarks the current directory.
  • goto fast travels to the directory e.g. goto foo, where foo is a fuzzy match to the full path.
  • On name conflict, fzf window will be spawned.

🧱 Components

Terminal: Wezterm (Terminal emulator), Zellij (Session manager), ZSH (Shell), Zap (ZSH plugin manager), Starship (prompt)

  • Due to heavy TUI usage, terminal performance becomes one of the priority. Wezterm is a cross-platform, performant terminal emulator that is able to satisfy the performance requirements and be configured easily.
  • Zellij is used to provide terminal session management and multiplexer.
  • ZSH is battle tested shell that is easily configurable and is widely supported. Zap as plugin manager.
  • Starship as customisable shell prompt.


Shell highlighter and utilities: eza, bat, lazygit, delta, fzf, fd, ripgrep, tldr

  • eza as better ls. Aliased to ls.
  • bat as better cat. Aliased to cat.
  • lazygit as simple Git terminal UI.
  • delta as syntax highlighter for Git.
  • fzf, fd, ripgrep as search utilities.
  • tldr as simplified man pages.


credit to source repository


credit to source repository


credit to source repository


credit to source repository

tldr credit to source repository

Editor: Neovim (Text editor)

  • Neovim is able to be extensively configured to become a Personal Development Environment (PDE), and having to not use multiple IDE for individual languages is much welcomed.
  • The Neovim has been configured to include LSP, auto-completion, UI and quality of life plugins that I use often.
  • Note taking with Telekasten.nvim


Programming languages and utilities: Golang, Python, Rust

  • Programming languages and their utility tools that I often use e.g. Golang, Rust, pyenv are installed by default.

🌱 Usage

Git clone this repository

Git clone to the machine.

git clone --depth=1

Windows: WSL Installation

Run Powershell as administrator & install Ubuntu distribution.

wsl --install -d Ubuntu
# For Ubuntu 20.04, do wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04

Install WezTerm

Visit Wezterm's Download page and follow the installation steps.


Refer to Setup for details.

(Optional) Add custom local configurations

The followings will not be committed to the repository and are suitable to add a local/machine specific configuration.


This file is to load local environment variables. Environment variables must be loaded before the rest of shell configuration is done as it dictates the behaviour.

The following environment variables are supported.

Name Type Defaults Description
NOTES_DEFAULT_VAULT "personal"|"work" "personal" Default vault (notes directory) to be used on load.
NOTES_WORK_VAULT string "$HOME/notes/work" Path to work notes vault (notes directory).
NOTES_PERSONAL_VAULT string "$HOME/notes/personal" Path to personal notes vault (notes directory)
NOTES_DEFAULT_GIT_UPSTREAM string "origin" Default git upstream to commit notes to.
NOTES_DEFAULT_GIT_BRANCH string "main" Default git branch to commit notes to.
Name Type Defaults Description
ZSH_DIRJUMP string "$HOME/.cache/.dirjump" Path to file to store bookmarked directories.
Name Type Defaults Description
ZELLIJ_AUTO_START bool false Automatically start zellij on shell start.
ZELLIJ_AUTO_ATTACH bool false Automatically attach to zellij session if any.

Any *.zsh file in this directory will be automatically loaded during ZSH initialisation. You can use this to add additional aliases or functions.


Load local Neovim options.


Load local Neovim keymaps.


Load local Neovim autocmds.


Any *.lua, except init.lua, will be loaded into Neovim. You can use this to overwrite/extend existing plugins, as well as adding new plugins.

(Optional) Swap Keys

The default key bindings are not the most ergonomic for programmers, and we can perform some key swaps to help make it better. Your hands will thank you!


You can install PowerToys, and configure the mapping through the Keyboard Manager.

winget install Microsoft.PowerToys --source winget

Perform the swap between Esc and Caps Lock by adding two entries:

  • Esc to Caps Lock
  • Caps Lock to Esc

Newer MacOS has native support for mapping keyboard modifier keys.

Go to System PreferencesKeyboardModifier Keys:

  • Caps Lock to Esc
  • fn to Control

NOTE: Yes, we are losing the Caps Lock and fn buttons with this mapping. If you use these keys often, this is not for you.

⚙️ Setup

./ [-h] [-v] [--git_user git_user] [--git_user_email git_user_email] [--git_user_local_file path_to_file]
                     [--golang_tag golang_semver]

I have prepared a script that automates the rest of the configuration. The script has tons of user confirmation; (i) partly to ensure that the user knows what is happening and (ii) partly to allow the user to skip specific configurations.

Feel free to run the setup script for fun and skip all configurations to see what would be configured.

I have done my best to ensure that the script is:

  • Idempotent i.e. able to be run multiple times without any side effects.
  • Backs up any existing configuration if a replacement needs to be made.

NOTE: Many dependencies require some sort of shell integration script; these are already integrated within the ZSH configurations. See exports.zsh. If you decide to skip using this repository ZSH configurations, please remember to integrate the dependencies.

NOTE: For Windows, please create a symbolic link for wezterm.lua from the Wezterm installation directory to the Wezterm configuration. Below is a sample command for Powershell.

# Given installation dir: "C:\Program Files\Wezterm"
# Given local repository configuration: "\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\anthonyhalim\repos\personal\dotfiles"
New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\WezTerm\wezterm.lua" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value "\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\anthonyhalim\repos\personal\dotfiles\wezterm\wezterm.lua"

# Link the fonts folder
New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\WezTerm\fonts" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value "\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\anthonyhalim\repos\personal\dotfiles\wezterm\fonts"

Below is a screenshot of a snippet of the script run:



Q: Why not use third-party keyboard managers?

There are lots of third-party softwares that aid key swapping to an extensive degree of customisation (for example, Karabiner for MacOS, xcape for Linux). However, you may not want (or be allowed) to install third-party software that customises close to the firmware level.

Due to this, I opt to use built-in or officially supported by the OS, albeit it supports less extensive customisation.

If you are using third-party software, an idea for customisation is:

  • On Caps Lock tap, map it as Esc.
  • On Caps Lock hold, map it as Ctrl.

Q: The Diatheke module is not installed correctly.

Try to completely uninstall module installmgr -u <module_name> and rerun ./ again.

Q: The markdown-preview.nvim Neovim plugin is not installed correctly.

Try to upgrade Node and npm to the latest version and restart Neovim.


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