"Solving DSA problems is like debugging your life—sometimes, you just need a better approach!"
Welcome to Leet-GFG-360, where I dump my sanity… I mean, my solutions to DSA problems from LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, and Coding Ninjas (Code360). If you’re here, either you love DSA (weird flex) or you’re in survival mode for placements/internships—either way, welcome to the club. 🎉
- 🔹 Two Sum (leetcode1)
- 🔹 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (leetcode121)
- 🔹 Maximum Subarray (leetcode53)
- 🔹 Maximum Product Subarray (leetcode152)
- 🔹 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (leetcode153)
- 🔹 Search in Rotated Sorted Array (leetcode33)
- 🔹 3Sum (leetcode15)
- 🔹 Insert Interval (leetcode57)
- 🔹 Merge Intervals (leetcode56)
- 🔹 Set Matrix Zeroes (leetcode73)
- 🔹 Spiral Matrix (leetcode54)
- 🔹 Rotate Image (leetcode48)
- 🔹 Word Search (leetcode79)
- 🔹 Pascal's Triangle (leetcode118)
- 🔹 Next Permutation (leetcode31)
- 🔹 Sort Colors (leetcode75)
- 🔹 Maximum Subarray (leetcode53)
- 🔹 Merge Sorted Array (leetcode88)
- 🔹 Search a 2D Matrix (leetcode74)
- 🔹 Pow(x, n) (leetcode50)
- 🔹 Majority Element (leetcode169)
- 🔹 Reverse Pairs (leetcode493)
- 🔹 4Sum (leetcode18)
- 🔹 Missing Number (leetcode268)
- 🔹 Climbing Stairs (leetcode70)
- 🔹 Coin Change (leetcode322)
- 🔹 Longest Increasing Subsequence (leetcode300)
- 🔹 Longest Common Subsequence (leetcode1143)
- 🔹 House Robber (leetcode198)
- 🔹 House Robber II (leetcode213)
- 🔹 Unique Paths (leetcode62)
- 🔹 Jump Game (leetcode55)
- 🔹 Course Schedule (leetcode207)
- 🔹 Non-overlapping Intervals (leetcode435)
- 🔹 Reverse Linked List (leetcode206)
- 🔹 Linked List Cycle (leetcode141)
- 🔹 Merge k Sorted Lists (leetcode23)
- 🔹 Remove Nth Node From End of List (leetcode19)
- 🔹 Longest Substring Without Repeated Characters (leetcode3)
- 🔹 Longest Repeating Character Replacement (leetcode424)
- 🔹 Minimum Window Substring (leetcode76)
- 🔹 Valid Anagram (leetcode242)
- 🔹 Valid Parentheses (leetcode20)
- 🔹 Valid Palindrome (leetcode125)
- 🔹 Longest Palindromic Substring (leetcode5)
- 🔹 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (leetcode104)
- 🔹 Same Tree (leetcode100)
- 🔹 Invert Binary Tree (leetcode226)
- 🔹 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (leetcode124)
- 🔹 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (leetcode102)
- 🔹 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (leetcode297)
- 🔹 Subtree of Another Tree (leetcode572)
- 🔹 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal (leetcode105)
- 🔹 Validate Binary Search Tree (leetcode98)
- 🔹 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (leetcode235)
- 🔹 Kth Smallest Element in a BST (leetcode230)
- 🔹 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (leetcode208)
- 🔹 Merge k Sorted Lists (leetcode23)
- 🔹 Top K Frequent Elements (leetcode347)
- 🔹 Find Median from Data Stream (leetcode295)
If you have better solutions (or just want to share your suffering), feel free to open a PR!. Let’s make this repo a DSA haven (or a therapy group)
This repo won’t guarantee you a FAANG offer, but it will give you enough problems to make your brain hurt in a productive way. Proceed with caution. 😆