npm i && npm start
- webpack multiple entries
- handlebars template
- postcss
- mobile page adapt with viewport(vw, vh, max-vw, max-vh, aspect-ratio )
- better SEO
- use CopyWebpackPlugin
new CopyWebpackPlugin([ {from: './src/assets/images', to: './images'} ]),
- conf
inlineRequires: '\/assets/images\/'
in webpack - extract-loader
1、Warning Existed: postcss-viewport-units adapted mobile native browsers by adding content property in cascading style sheets. And when used Font Icon, generally, pseudo classed ::after or ::before had a content property. so it warn pseudo classed already has a 'content' property, give up to overwrite it. We can use SVG replace Font Icon certainly.
2、@font-face url()
- webpack-dev-server recompiled very slowly
- webpack env donot define
- compression
- code spliting
- Few handlebars helper
- add jquery
- ....