v2.2.0-60 Echelon Update
The main purpose of this update is to enhance the stability, security and blocktime consistency of ANON, through a realignment of the chain parameters
Occurs at blockheight 77880 - estimated 14th November
- BACKUP your wallet.dat or wallet private keys before updating!
- MASTERNODE OWNERS - After this update you must rebroadcast/restart your masternode (start-alias or start-all from your wallet, make sure your wallet is also updated).
If you have issues syncing with masternodes after the update, you may want to delete the following cache files:
mncached.dat, governance.dat, mncache.dat, mnpayments.dat, netfulfilled.dat. These files are located in the same folder as anon.conf and wallet.dat. (Note: You need to stop anon node first (./anon-cli stop) before deleting.)
Added in this release
rename AnonymousBitcoin to Anon
delayed block submission penalty (51% protection)
changed to lwma difficulty algo
change to 2.5 minutes block and corresponding reward structure
change to 192,7 params for equihash algo
add checkpoint
add z_listunspent rpc command (for anonio)