This project was created as a final project for Coding For Digital Storytelling at Northeastern University.
It was created using the Vite starter code for a Svelte app.
This project can be viewed at
To run this website locally, clone the repo and run npm install
After installing all needed dependencies, run npm run dev
and the site should be available at http://localhost:5173/when_to_call_cut/.
Data for this project was sourced from Is it cut short?, Rotten Tomatoes and the TMDB API. A list of 12 shows in four different categories - ran for too long, was cancelled too soon, ended at just the right time, was cancelled but revived - were sourced from various online lists:
These classifications were cross-referenced with each show's ratings over time. If ratings were reflective of the classification, it was considered reasonable and the show was viable for inclusion.
Each show's Rotten Tomatoes ratings by season were collect by hand. TMDB voter scores and popularity scores were collected using the API. Show title cards were also sourced from the API. TMDB data for shows from the Is it cut short? database were collected for comparison with shows used in the story.