This app template is currently built using html,css,javascript only but javascript will be replaced by js generated by dart due to some issues on mobile like no css scrolling effect.
I created it so that any web app can be load on right and left side by links from home page. Since they run in iframes any page can be included in form of apps by including it in apps folder. Settings,appright,startupscreen are just example to show how they work, you can replace them with your own code but dont remove _home folder as it is main entry point which contains your links to other apps in folder or outside.
Because of iframe we have freedom to choose any ui for a single app located in app folder.
This is developed becuase i want to develop static pages as well as i want to include others but ui like onsen want other pages to have . Then what about normal pages? This comes to rescue.
Run index.html to see demo and customize according to your needs. Good for noob developers like me.
fizz.js Small file with home() and back() for apps in apps folder.