This is a Chat app with two rooms (Memeshowdown and General)
General is a regular chat channel where you can text and upload images with other clients.
Memeshowdown is the same as General but with a bot that tells you how cheemsy you're meme is.
Made with vanilla javascript
Image detection using Tensorflow.js
Responsive design(viewable in both mobile and desktop browser)
- main.js => major site logic
- predict.js => tensorflow.js model execution happens here
- render.js => renders the text and image messages
- utilfunc => some helper functions used by frontend
- style.css => since there are only two pages this has all the styling
- tfjsmodel/ => contains the model and the pretrained weights
After an image is uploaded and !judgememe is entered the bot runs the tensorflow.js model and returns a %ge confidence in whether it is a "cheems" meme or not.
I used Azure's service called computer vision .ai to get the model imported as tensorflow.js. I want to make my own model's with tf.js in the future cause it's just so cool.
Node.js server using Express
- used for Realtime Chat
- server.js => major site logic
- utils => contains formaters for messages
- make sure to have node --version 10 or above
- git clone
- cd CheemsChat
- npm install -g nodemon (or) npm install nodemon --save-dev
- npm run dev