Its a web application used as digital platform used by different farmers to sell and buy their products
Shamba Market is a web-based application that helps to connect between the farmers and buyers/suppliers. This web-based application deals more on selling of agriculture product, looking for the market of different agriculture product like organic food, providing information about the price fluctuation on different crops and also to solve different problem that facing different farmers in agricultural sectors
There is been a huge difference in prices between the crops producers (Farmers) and the customers (End Users) this price difference is mostly caused by the presence of the middle man who buys the crops from farmers at a very low price and sell them at a very high price in such a way that production becomes low and of low quality due to low prices imposed on the farmers.
This is a Laravel Project, please follow the instructions to install and run the project
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- XAMMP or LAMPP (MySql, Apache)
git clone
cd shambamarket
composer install
npm install
npm install bootstrap
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve