This project give to you a clearer idea of what are the real performances of microservices backend with db in a little machine. Usually, the benchmarks that you find around the web are limited to a simple "hello word" or something else of "easy".
Obviously, there is no absolutely perfect language, there is only the most suitable according to the needs.
This is a "real-life" benchmarks of some dockerized CRUD backend applications in some different languages.
There are two routes for every CRUD, one to insert the records of user heatmap and the other one to read the records with a query and code logic.
- PHP 7.2 + Lumen v5.6 + Jenssegers MongoDB ODM v3.4.1
- Nodejs 8.9.4 + Express v4.16.3 + Mongoose v5.0.13
- Nodejs 8.9.4 + Mongoose v5.0.13
- Golang 1.10.1 + Gin 1.2
- DotNetCore 2.0.6 with Kestrel config
- Mongodb 3.4.7
PHP Image: with mongo driver
- randomize parameters
- Thears: 200
- RUP: 20
- 2 CORE
- 2 GB RAM
- other languages with other frameworks
- other docker configuration