A movies app that fetches data using TMDB, allowing users to filter the movies by most popular, top rated, or similar criteria. Users can also search for a movie, find more details about a movie, or mark their favourite movies.
The app uses clean architecture, MVVM, Kotlin coroutines, Flow and the latest Jetpack libraries, including Compose.
- Hilt for dependency injection
- Kotlin Coroutines and Flow for asynchronous programming
- Compose for building the UI layer
- Navigation to navigate between composables
- Accompanist Glide for image loading
- Paging 3 for data loading
- Retrofit 2 and OkHttp for networking
- Gson for parsing JSON
- Room for data persistence
Clone this repository
git https://github.com/angela-aciobanitei/kotlin-movie-night.git
Go to The Movie Database page and register for an API key.
Import the project in Android Studio and add the TMDB API Key inside the
file.TMDB_API_KEY="Your API Key Here"