#Number 2 Text Converter
This component takes a number and returns a string representation of the number. It can convert from 1 to 999999999
##LICENSE The MIT License (MIT)
- Railo 4+
- Lucee 4.5+
- ColdFusion 10+
Just drop into accesible folder in your server
- Create an instance of the object
c = new number2TextConverter();
- Call the convert function with the number you want to convert
result = c.convert( 1999 ); //mil novecientos noventa y nueve
result = c.convert( 1999.50, true ); //mil novecientos novena y nueve 50/100 MX
//Change the currency
c.setCurrency( 'pesos' );
result = c.convert( 1999.50, true ); //mil novecientos novena y nueve 50/100 pesos
//Language can be changed without creating another object just call setLanguage function
result = c.convert( 1999 ); //one thousand nine hundred and ninetynine
result = c.convert( 1999, true ); //one thousand nine hundred and ninetynine USD
c.setCurrency( 'dollars' );
result = c.convert( 1999.50, true ); //one thousand nine hundred and ninetynine 50/100 dollars