Get rid of relative import syntax by making app subdirectories appear as modules.
// instead of
Works seemlessly with transpiled code (see below).
npm install app_modules
Run code like the following as early as possible in your app:
// before requiring other files...
var app_modules = require('app_modules');
// IRL, compute the following paths dynamically:
// initialize the library (this creates an app_modules dir in your project root):
// make src/ available as a module named app:
app_modules.addModule('app', '/path/to/my/project/src/'); // app_modules/app now points to src/
Given a Node.js project as follows:
- myproject
- package.json
- src/
- main.js # start script
- foo/
- bar.js
- lib/ # transpiled code
Initialize app_modules with dynamically computed paths:
// src/main.js
var app_modules = require('app_modules');
var path = require('path');
app_modules.init(path.resolve(__dirname, '..')); // path of project root
app_modules.addModule('app', __dirname); // dynamically link app to either src/ or lib/
// ... continue loading
Now you can write:
var bar = require('app/foo/bar');
The app
module links correctly to src/
or lib/
depending on whether you're running the untranspiled src/main.js
or transpiled lib/main.js
This library uses an old but unofficial method _initPaths
defined on the Modules
Ensures a directory exists in the project root and adds it to the NODE_PATH. Directories in this folder will be accessible as modules.
init(projectRoot, app_modules_dirname)
// where
// projectRoot - path to the root dir of your node project
// app_modules_dirname - defaults to 'app_modules'
Symlinks a directory into your app_modules directory.
addModule(moduleName, sourcePath)
// where
// moduleName - name you'd like the sourcePath to be accessible as
// sourcePath - absolute path to a directory