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Andy Rozman edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

RileyLink Projects

Since Medtronic development has come to stop (mostly just bug fixing left), I decided to put together this page to show status of all android RileyLink projects, because people come here and there and ask questions about "other" projects.


Medtronic development is done. Medtronic is merged into /dev and will be released with 2.4 version of AndroidAPS. Since we have now RC1 out and most of bugs fixed, this can happen any time now.

Version 2.5 is rumored to have big database changes, which will probably fix the problems that we still encounter, here and there with duplicates and stuff. Medtronic code is already prepared for that changes (I did some reafactoring and added some code so that we support new database structure (done in Kotlin) and RxJava integration that also comes together with database.

Our stats page for Medtronic related bugs is here now:

All bugs need to be reported to Milos's repository NOT here where we did before.

If you are using Medtronic please put yourself on this [list] ( This is not official document, its just so that we can determine which phones are working ok with Medtronic/RileyLink and which don't. So far it looks that problem with BT on/off (which is one way to re-establish the comm. with RL) is happening only with Samsungs on Android 9, so other phones might not be affected.


Now here we currently have 3 implementations in various statuses, so I will just go through them so you can get overview. While all 3 solution work with AndroidAPS, none of them is officially supported and probably just one of them will be (native solution). All of them require RileLink with 2.2 firmware:

  1. Omnipy (also requires PI and modified version of AAPS) - released already link - RELEASED

  2. OmniCore - next generation of Omnipy (requires modified version of AAPS, it has C# code running on Android) - link - BEFORE RELEASE (exact status unknown)

  3. OmnipodAAPS - this will be native implementation, this is sort-of Loop implementation port - (status can be tracked here - - Most of commands seems to be working, integration into AAPS will start soon (first test version probably available by end of September) - BEFORE FIRST TEST VERSION RELEASE