Build your own kingdom!
node.js, npm, ganache-cli(or ganache), truffle, Metamask(browser add-ons)
~ $ sudo apt install nodejs
~ $ sudo apt install npm
~ $ npm install -g ganache-cli
~ $ npm install -g truffle
clone the github page
~ $ git clone
open ganache-cli by using command:
~ $ ganache-cli -l 0xfffffffffff
if you want to always use the same chain, type the following command instead:
~ $ ganache-cli -m [MNEMONIC] --db [DB_DIR] -i [NETWORK_ID] -l 0xfffffffffff
then do truffle migrate
~$ truffle migrate
start react
~$ cd client
~/client$ npm start
choose the network on metamask: Localhost 8545 add an account on ganache to metamask
remember to connect the account to the network
after all this, refresh the page, then enjoy the game!
If the game looks weird during playing, please remember to refresh the page, and everything will be alright.