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Android Red Team Kernel Toolkit

art-kernel-toolkit is a kernel module that can be used to perform actions requiring kernel privileges from userspace. It supports x86_64 and arm64 Android Common Kernels and Linux kernels.

Example use cases:

  • Setting up the right conditions to trigger kernel bugs. You may see a bug that requires specific conditions to be triggered, such as a particular heap layout. You can use the kmalloc plugin to do this from userspace, so you can get to reproducing the actual bug faster before investing more time in a full exploit.
  • As a placeholder step in an exploit chain. If you're working on an exploit for a bug but don't have an information leak yet, use the vmem plugin as placeholder for this step in your exploit chain until you find a real information leak.
  • Testing functionality at higher privilege levels. For example, on ARM systems only EL1 has the privilege to make HVC/SMC calls that are handled by EL2 and EL3. You can use the hvc and smc plugins to make these privileged calls from userspace.

Contributions are welcome, see

This is not an officially supported Google product.

Clone and Build

Clone this repository with

git clone

Next, clone and build the Linux kernel or the Android Common Kernel that you want to use art-kernel-toolkit with. Then run make with the KERNEL_SRC environment variable set to your build output directory:

KERNEL_SRC=/path/to/linux/build make

To cross compile for arm64:

KERNEL_SRC=/path/to/linux/build make \
    CC=clang \
    ARCH=arm64 \

You can also generate a compile_commands.json for use with clangd (make sure to set the same variables used when building):

KERNEL_SRC=/path/to/linux/build make compile_commands.json \
    CC=clang \
    ARCH=arm64 \


The easiest way to load the module is with insmod:

insmod /path/to/art-kernel-toolkit.ko

You can also set the INSTALL_MOD_PATH variable and run the modules_install target to install it into the /lib/modules folder that will be packaged into your rootfs:

INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/path/to/rootfs KERNEL_SRC=/path/to/linux/build make

Then the module can be loaded from this rootfs with:

modprobe art-kernel-toolkit

You can remove the module with:

rmmod art-kernel-toolkit

Note that the module will appear as art_kernel_toolkit in lsmod:

$ lsmod | grep art
art_kernel_toolkit 40960 0`

Installing on Android

For Android, you can push the module to your device and loaded it with the following commands:

adb root
adb push art-kernel-toolkit.ko /data/local/tmp
adb shell insmod /data/local/tmp/art-kernel-toolkit.ko


The module creates files in debugfs, which is mounted under /sys/kernel/debug. If this is not mounted by default, you can mount it manually with:

mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

On many physical Android devices, /d/ is a symlink to /sys/kernel/debug. If that path does not exist, you can optionally create it with:

ln -s /sys/kernel/debugfs /d

You should now see the kernel driver files in /sys/kernel/debug/art/ and /d/art/. Each folder in this directory is created by a "plugin", documented below. Reading from or writing to these files will trigger various plugin actions.


Each plugin defines a set of files in its own directory under /d/art. /d/art will usually be omitted in the documentation when referring to plugin files. Most plugins contain a help file in their plugin folder, which contains usage instructions for the plugin.

Writeable files take a list of space separated arguments. For example, if a file is documented as "foo/file <val1> <val2> (RW)", you can write two arguments to this file with echo my_val1 my_val2 > /d/art/foo/file. Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that integer arguments can be written in decimal, hex (with a '0x' prefix), or octal (with a leading '0').

Readable files will be documented as having a "return" value which can be read from the file, i.e. by running cat /d/art/foo/file. Most return values will be in hex.


This plugin allows reading/writing from arbitrary kernel virtual memory.


  • vmem/addr <addr> (RW)
    • addr: the virtual address to read from or write to
    • Returns: the last address written when read
  • vmem/val <val> (RW)
    • val: the 64-bit value to write to the address specified in vmem/addr
    • Returns: the 64-bit value at the address specified invmem/addr
# Write address to write to or read from to `addr`
$ echo 0xffffffc009fa2378 > /d/art/vmem/addr

# Read from `val` to read 64-bit value at address
$ cat /d/art/vmem/val

# Write 64-bit value to `val` to write to address
$ echo 0xdeadbeef > /d/art/vmem/val

# Confirm write succeeded
$ cat /d/art/vmem/val


This plugin allows reading/writing from arbitrary physical memory.


  • pmem/addr <addr> (RW)
    • addr: the physical address to read from or write to
    • Returns: the last address written when read
  • pmem/val <val> (RW)
    • val: the 64-bit value to write to the address specified in pmem/addr
    • Returns: the 64-bit value at the address specified in pmem/addr
  • pmem/bytes <byte_str> (RW)
    • byte_str: a raw string of bytes to write to the address specified in pmem/addr
    • Returns: the raw bytes at the address specified in pmem/addr
  • pmem/bytes-read-size <max_length> (RW)
    • max_length: the maximum length to allow for reads from pmem/bytes (defaults to 8). Setting this is optional if you will be manually reading the exact number of bytes you want from pmem/bytes. However, when using tools like cat or even xxd with the -l argument, this value should be specified to avoid reading out of bounds.
    • Returns: the last value written to pmem/bytes-read-size
# Write address to write to or read from to `addr`
$ echo 0xB62CE0DC > /d/art/pmem/addr

# Write a value in base 10 to physical address:
$ echo 12345678 > /d/art/pmem/val

# Write a string to physical address:
$ echo -n 'helloworld' > /d/art/pmem/bytes

# Write hex bytes to a physical address
$ echo -n '56 67 89 ab cd ef' | xxd -r -p > /d/art/pmem/bytes

# Read five bytes from a physical address and output as hex:
$ echo 5 > /d/art/pmem/bytes-read-size
$ xxd -p /d/art/pmem/bytes 566789abcd


Allows converting virtual address to and from physical addresses.


  • addr/va <va> (RW)
    • va: the virtual address you want to convert to a physical address
    • Returns: the virtual address of the last address written to either addr/va or addr/pa
  • addr/pa <pa> (RW)
    • pa: the physical address you want to convert to a virtual address
    • Returns: the physical address of the last address written to addr/va or addr/pa
$ echo 0xffffff800468b400 > /d/art/addr/va
$ cat /d/art/addr/pa

$ echo 0x4468b400 > /d/art/addr/pa
$ cat /d/art/addr/va


Allows finding the KASLR offset. Currently only implemented for arm64.


  • kaslr/offset (R)
    • Returns: the KASLR offset
$ cat /d/art/kaslr/offset


This plugin allows looking up addresses for kernel symbols, allowing you to determine these addresses even if kptr_restrict is set to 2 (which prevents addresses from being seen in /proc/kallsyms).


  • kallsyms/lookup_name <sym_name> (RW)
    • sym_name: name of the symbol you want to lookup
    • Returns: the last symbol name written to this file
  • kallsyms/addr (R)
    • Returns: the address of the last symbol written to kallsyms/lookup_name
# Lookup address of __sys_setuid
$ echo __sys_setuid > /d/art/kallsyms/lookup_name
$ cat /d/art/kallsyms/addr


This plugin allows calling kmalloc and kfree.


  • kmalloc/alloc <size> (W)
    • size: size of memory in bytes to allocate
  • kmalloc/free <addr> (W)
    • addr: address to call kfree on
  • kmalloc/va (R)
    • Returns: the virtual address of the last allocated chunk
  • kmalloc/pa (R)
    • Returns: the physical address of the last allocated chunk
  • kmalloc/pfn (R)
    • Returns: the page frame number of the last allocated chunk
  • kmalloc/size (R)
    • Returns: the size of the last allocated chunk
# Allocate 1024 bytes
$ echo 0x400 > /d/art/kmalloc/alloc

$ cat /d/art/kmalloc/size

$ cat /d/art/kmalloc/va

$ cat /d/art/kmalloc/pa

$ cat /d/art/kmalloc/pfn

# Free allocated memory
$ echo $(cat /d/art/kmalloc/va) > /d/art/kmalloc/va


Allows executing arbitrary assembly instructions. Only available on arm64.


  • asm/asm <asm_byte_str> (W)
    • asm_byte_str: the raw byte string of compiled assembly code to execute. You do not need to add a ret instruction to your code as it is added for you, and you do not need to worry about preserving the value of any registers except for the stack pointer. You should make sure your code does not corrupt any stack frames in the call stack. The assembly will immediately be executed after writing to this file.
  • asm/cpumask <mask> (RW)
    • mask: a bitmask choosing which CPU to run the code on (defaults to 1, meaning CPU 0). Exactly one bit of this bitmask must be set, to run the same code on multiple CPUs, you will need to write to asm/asm once per CPU, changing the mask in between writes.
    • Returns: the current CPU mask.
  • asm/x0 to asm/x28 (R)
    • Returns: the value of the corresponding register when the assembly finished executing.
# mov x0, 042; mov x9, 42; mov x28, 0x42
$ echo "400480d2490580d25c0880d2" | xxd -r -p > /d/art/asm/asm

$ cat /d/art/asm/x0

$ cat /d/art/asm/x9

$ cat /d/art/asm/x28


Allows reading/writing model-specific registers (MSRs). Only available on arm64.


  • msr/msr <value> (RW)
    • value: the value to write to the MSR specified in msr/regname.
    • Returns: the current value of the MSR specified in msr/regname on the CPU specified in msr/cpumask when read.
  • msr/regname <regname> (RW)
    • regname: the name of the MSR to read or write. Some common MSR names such as sctlr_el1 are defined. For MSRs where the common name is not defined, use the encoded register form s<op0>_<op1>_<CRn>_<CRm>_<op2>. Writing to this file will change the values of msr/op0, msr/op1, msr/CRn, msr/CRm, msr/op2. You can also write to those files as an alternative to writing to this file.
    • Returns: the encoded MSR name in the form s<op0>_<op1>_<CRn>_<CRm>_<op2>.
  • msr/cpumask <mask> (RW)
    • mask: a bitmask choosing which CPU to run the code on (defaults to 1, meaning CPU 0). Exactly one bit of this bitmask must be set when reading MSR values, although multiple bits may be set when writing MSR values.
    • Returns: the current CPU mask.
  • msr/op0 <op0>, msr/op1 <op1>, msr/CRn <CRn>, msr/CRm <CRm>, msr/op2 <op2> (RW)
    • op0, op1, CRn, CRm, op2: Sets the corresponding component of the MSR encoding. Writing to these files will change the output of msr/regname.
    • Returns: the corresponding component of the encoding of the currently selected MSR

Note: The value written to msr/regname can be a common MSR name (if defined, check the source for the full list) or an encoded register name. However, the parsing for the encoded register name is intentionally not strict. It is case insensitive, and any non-numeric characters are replaced with spaces. As long as five space-separate numeric values remain, it will successfully be parsed. See the examples section for more details.

# Read SCTLR_EL1
$ echo sctlr_el1 > /d/art/msr/regname
$ cat /d/art/msr/regname
$ cat /d/art/msr/msr

# Set cpumask to CPU 0 and CPU 1
$ echo 0x3 > /d/art/msr/cpumask

# Disable EPAN and SPAN on CPU 0 and CPU 1
$ echo 0x3474d91d > /d/art/msr/msr

# Set CPU mask back to individual CPUs when reading
$ echo 0x1 > /d/art/msr/cpumask

# EPAN and SPAN are now unset on CPU 0 and CPU 1
$ cat /d/art/msr/msr

$ echo 0x2 > /d/art/msr/cpumask
$ cat /d/art/msr/msr

# SCTLR_EL1 is unchanged on CPU 2
$ echo 0x4 > /d/art/msr/cpumask
$ cat /d/art/msr/msr

You can set individual components of the register encoding instead of setting msr/regname:

$ echo 3 > /d/art/msr/op0
$ echo 1 > /d/art/msr/op1
$ echo 0 > /d/art/msr/CRn
$ echo 0 > /d/art/msr/CRm
$ echo 4 > /d/art/msr/op2
$ cat /d/art/msr/regname

You can write an encoded MSR name to msr/regname, taking advantage of the loose parsing. All of the following commands are equivalent:

$ echo s3_1_c0_c0_4 > /d/art/msr/regname
$ echo 3_1_0_0_4 > /d/art/msr/regname
$ echo 3 1 0 0 4 > /d/art/msr/regname


Allows making SMC (supervisor) calls from userspace. Only available on arm64.


  • smc/cmd [x0] [x1] [x2] [x3] [x4] [x5] [x6] [x7] (RW)
    • x0 to x7: the values to set for the registers before executing an smc instruction. If a register is not specified, it is assumed to be zero
    • Returns: the last command string written to smc/cmd
  • smc/result (R)
    • Returns: four space-separated hex integers, representing the values of x0 to x4 after the SMC has completed
# Execute SMCCC_VERSION with some unused arguments in different numeric formats
# Supports up to 8 arguments including SMC ID
$ echo 0x80000000 0xdeadbeef 0777 42 > /d/art/smc/cmd

# Result is SMC Version 1.2, unused arguments are returned as is (in hex)
$ cat /d/art/smc/result
0x10002 0xdeadbeef 0x1ff 0x2a


Similar to the smc plugin, but for HVC (hypervisor) calls. Only available on arm64.


  • hvc/cmd [x0] [x1] [x2] [x3] [x4] [x5] [x6] [x7] (RW)
    • x0 to x7: the values to set for the registers before executing an hvc instruction. If a register is not specified, it is assumed to be zero
    • Returns: the last command string written to hvc/cmd
  • hvc/result (R)
    • Returns: four space-separated hex integers, representing the values of x0 to x4 after the SMC has completed


Installing this kernel module gives userspace applications kernel privileges. It is intended to only be used in virtual machines or test devices. Because of this, there is no additional security risk added by a buggy implementation of a plugin. For example, if a plugin contains a buffer overflow feel free to submit a PR fixing it, but do not open an issue, request a CVE, or submit the issue to any bug bounty programs.


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