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Make auto_register default to mixed-mode (will auto-register AND supp…
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…ort get_node_mappings) instead of True. This is temporary for backwards compatibility; will default to False in a future release.
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andrewharp committed Jun 28, 2024
1 parent 8f70c6f commit e568ae7
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Showing 6 changed files with 75 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion easy_nodes/
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Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@

# For backwards compatibility with the original comfy_annotations module.
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28 changes: 8 additions & 20 deletions easy_nodes/
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Expand Up @@ -5,31 +5,19 @@
from easy_nodes.easy_nodes import AnythingVerifier, TensorVerifier, TypeVerifier, register_type, AnyType, any_type

class ImageTensor(torch.Tensor):
class ImageTensor(torch.Tensor): pass
class MaskTensor(torch.Tensor): pass

class MaskTensor(torch.Tensor):

class LatentTensor(torch.Tensor):

class ConditioningTensor(torch.Tensor):

class ModelTensor(torch.Tensor):

class SigmasTensor(torch.Tensor):
class LatentTensor(torch.Tensor): pass
class ConditioningTensor(torch.Tensor): pass
class ModelTensor(torch.Tensor): pass
class SigmasTensor(torch.Tensor): pass

# Maybe there's an actual class for this?
class PhotoMaker:
class PhotoMaker: pass

# Abstract type, not for instantiating.
class NumberType:
class NumberType: pass

# ComfyUI will get the special string that anytype is registered with, which is hardcoded to match anything.
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49 changes: 38 additions & 11 deletions easy_nodes/
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

import enum
import functools
import hashlib
import importlib
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,15 +60,21 @@ class EasyNodesConfig:
num_registered: int = 0
get_node_mappings_called: bool = False

# Keep track of the config from the last init, because different custom_nodes modules
# could possibly want different settings.
_current_config: EasyNodesConfig = None

# Changing the default of auto-register to false in 1.1, so catch if the user hasn't set it explicitly so we can give them a warning.
class AutoRegisterSentinel(enum.Enum):

def initialize_easy_nodes(default_category: str = "EasyNodes",
auto_register: bool = True,
auto_register: bool = AutoRegisterSentinel.DEFAULT,
docstring_mode: AutoDescriptionMode = AutoDescriptionMode.FULL,
verify_level: CheckSeverityMode = CheckSeverityMode.WARN,
auto_move_tensors: bool = False):
Expand All @@ -78,7 +85,7 @@ def initialize_easy_nodes(default_category: str = "EasyNodes",
default_category (str, optional): The default category for nodes. Defaults to "EasyNodes".
auto_register (bool, optional): Whether to automatically register nodes with ComfyUI (so you don't have to export). Defaults to True. Experimental.
auto_register (bool, optional): Whether to automatically register nodes with ComfyUI (so you don't have to export). Defaults to False. Experimental.
docstring_mode (AutoDescriptionMode, optional): The mode for generating node docstrings. Defaults to AutoDescriptionMode.FULL.
verify_level (bool, optional): Whether to verify tensors for shape and data type according to ComfyUI type (MASK, IMAGE, etc). Runs on inputs and outputs. Defaults to False.
auto_move_tensors (bool, optional): Whether to automatically move torch Tensors to the GPU before your function gets called, and then to the CPU on output. Defaults to False.
Expand All @@ -94,28 +101,37 @@ def initialize_easy_nodes(default_category: str = "EasyNodes",
assert _current_config.auto_register or not _current_config.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS, (
f"Auto-registration was turned off by previous initializer, but {len(_current_config.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS)} nodes were not picked up.")

NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = {}"Initializing EasyNodes. Auto-registration: {auto_register}")
if auto_register:
if auto_register is AutoRegisterSentinel.DEFAULT:
logging.warning("Auto-registration not set explicitly. Will default to False in a future version. Call easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(auto_register=True|False) to suppress this warning.")

if auto_register is True:

if auto_register is True or auto_register is AutoRegisterSentinel.DEFAULT:
frame = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']

_current_config = EasyNodesConfig(default_category, auto_register, docstring_mode, verify_level, auto_move_tensors,

def get_node_mappings():
assert _current_config is not None, "EasyNodes not initialized. Call easy_nodes.init() before using ComfyFunc."
assert not _current_config.auto_register, "Auto-node registration is on. Call easy_nodes.init(auto_register=False) if you want to export manually."
_current_config.initialized = False
assert _current_config is not None, "EasyNodes not initialized. Call easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes() before using ComfyNode."
assert _current_config.num_registered > 0, "No nodes registered. Use the @ComfyNode() decorator to register nodes after calling easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes()."
assert _current_config.auto_register is not True, "Auto-node registration is on. Call easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(auto_register=False) if you want to export manually."
assert not _current_config.get_node_mappings_called, "get_node_mappings() already called. This function should only be called once."
_current_config.get_node_mappings_called = True
return _current_config.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS, _current_config.NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS

def _get_curr_config():
def _get_curr_config() -> EasyNodesConfig:
if _current_config is None:
logging.warning("easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes() should be called prior to any other EasyNodes activity. Initializing now with easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes() for backwards compatibility.")
return _current_config

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,7 +753,7 @@ def decorator(func: callable):

filename = func.__code__.co_filename

wrapped_name = func.__qualname__ + "_comfyfunc_wrapper"
wrapped_name = func.__qualname__ + "_comfynode_wrapper"
source_location = f"{filename}:{func.__code__.co_firstlineno}"
code_origin_loc = f"\n Source: {func.__qualname__} {source_location}"
original_is_changed = is_changed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -823,6 +839,11 @@ def wrapped_is_changed(*args, **kwargs):

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if curr_config.auto_register == AutoRegisterSentinel.DEFAULT and curr_config.get_node_mappings_called is False:
logging.warning("EasyNodes auto-registration not explicitly enabled, and easy_nodes.get_node_mappings() has not been called. "
+ "In the future auto_register will default to False, so please set explicitly via easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(auto_register=True), "
+ "or use easy_nodes.get_node_mappings() to export to ComfyUI after all ComfyNodes have been created.")

if debug:
f"Calling {func.__name__} with {len(args)} args and {len(kwargs)} kwargs. Is class method: {is_cls_mth}"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1181,6 +1202,12 @@ def _create_comfy_node(

class_map[workflow_name] = node_class
display_map[workflow_name] = display_name

# Temporary for backwards compatibility.
if easy_nodes_config.auto_register is AutoRegisterSentinel.DEFAULT:
comfyui_nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[workflow_name] = node_class
comfyui_nodes.NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS[workflow_name] = display_name

easy_nodes_config.num_registered += 1

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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions example/
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@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
# Simply importing your module gives it a chance to add the @ComfyFunc nodes since
# EasyNodes will automatically export the NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS and NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS
# for you.
from .example_nodes import *
import easy_nodes
easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(default_category="EasyNodes Examples", auto_register=False)

# Simply importing your module gives the ComfyNode decorator a chance to register your nodes.
from .example_nodes import * # noqa: F403, E402

# Alternatively, to export yourself, you can do the following:
# import easy_nodes
# easy_nodes.init(auto_register=False)
# import example.example_nodes
# NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS, NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = easy_nodes.get_node_mappings()
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS, NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = easy_nodes.get_node_mappings()
38 changes: 16 additions & 22 deletions example/
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Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,11 @@
import easy_nodes
import torch

my_category = "EasyNodes Examples"

# By default EasyNodes will auto-register any decorated function (automatically insert it into ComfyUI's node registry).
# If you want to manually register your nodes the regular way, turn off
# auto_register and call easy_nodes.get_node_mappings()
easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(default_category=my_category, auto_register=True)
# Important! Make sure easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes is called before any nodes are defined.
# See for an example of how to do this.

# This is the converted example node from ComfyUI's file.
def annotated_example(
image: ImageTensor,
string_field: str = StringInput("Hello World!", multiline=False),
Expand All @@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ def another_function(foo: float = 1.0):
print("Hello World!", foo)

ComfyNode(my_category, is_changed=lambda: random.random())(another_function)
ComfyNode(is_changed=lambda: random.random())(another_function)

# You can register arbitrary classes to be used as inputs or outputs.
Expand All @@ -64,14 +59,14 @@ def __init__(self):

@ComfyNode(my_category, is_output_node=True, color="#4F006F")
@ComfyNode(is_output_node=True, color="#4F006F")
def my_fun_class_node_processor(fun_class: MyFunClass) -> ImageTensor:
print(f"Processing MyFunClass: {fun_class.width} {fun_class.height} {fun_class.color}")
my_image = torch.rand((1, fun_class.height, fun_class.width, 3)) * fun_class.color
return my_image

def create_random_image(width: int=NumberInput(128, 128, 1024),
height: int=NumberInput(128, 128, 1024)) -> ImageTensor:
return torch.rand((1, height, width, 3))
Expand All @@ -95,14 +90,13 @@ def my_is_changed_func():
return random()

description="Descriptions can also be passed in manually. This operation increments a counter",

# Preview text and images right in the nodes.
@ComfyNode(my_category, is_output_node=True)
def preview_example(str2: str = StringInput("")) -> str:
easy_nodes.show_text(f"hello: {str2}")
return str2
Expand All @@ -118,7 +112,7 @@ def my_class_method(cls, foo: float):
cls.class_counter += 1

ComfyNode(my_category, is_changed=lambda: random.random())(
ComfyNode(is_changed=lambda: random.random())(

Expand All @@ -127,12 +121,12 @@ def my_class_method(cls, foo: float):
# differentiate between images and masks in ComfyUI. This is purely cosmetic, and they
# are interchangeable in Python. If you annotate the type of a parameter as torch.Tensor
# it will be treated as an ImageTensor.
@ComfyNode(my_category, color="#00FF00")
def convert_to_image(mask: MaskTensor) -> ImageTensor:
return mask

def text_repeater(text: str=StringInput("Sample text"),
times: int=NumberInput(10, 1, 100)) -> list[str]:
return [text] * times
Expand All @@ -141,7 +135,7 @@ def text_repeater(text: str=StringInput("Sample text"),
# If you wrap your input types in list[], under the hood the decorator will make sure you get
# everything in a single call with the list inputs passed to you as lists automatically.
# If you don't, then you'll get multiple calls with a single item on each call.
def combine_lists(
image1: list[ImageTensor], image2: list[ImageTensor]
) -> list[ImageTensor]:
Expand All @@ -150,7 +144,7 @@ def combine_lists(

# Adding a default for a param makes it optional, so ComfyUI won't require it to run your node.
def add_images(
image1: ImageTensor, image2: ImageTensor, image3: ImageTensor = None
) -> ImageTensor:
Expand All @@ -160,7 +154,7 @@ def add_images(
return combined_tensors

@ComfyNode(my_category, is_output_node=True, color="#006600")
@ComfyNode(is_output_node=True, color="#006600")
def example_show_mask(mask: MaskTensor) -> MaskTensor:
easy_nodes.show_image(mask)"Showing mask")
Expand All @@ -177,7 +171,7 @@ def threshold_image(image: ImageTensor, threshold_value: float = NumberInput(0.5

# ImageTensor and MaskTensor are just torch.Tensors, so you can treat them as such.
@ComfyNode(my_category, color="#0000FF")
def example_mask_image(image: ImageTensor,
mask: MaskTensor,
value: float=NumberInput(0, 0, 1, 0.0001, display="slider")) -> ImageTensor:
Expand All @@ -189,13 +183,13 @@ def example_mask_image(image: ImageTensor,

# As long as Python is happy, ComfyUI will be happy with whatever you tell it the return type is.
# You can set the node color by passing in a color argument to the decorator.
@ComfyNode(my_category, color="#FF0000")
def convert_to_mask(image: ImageTensor, threshold: float = NumberInput(0.5, 0, 1, 0.0001, display="slider")) -> MaskTensor:
return (image > threshold).float()

# The decorated functions remain normal Python functions, so we can nest them inside each other too.
def mask_image_with_image(
image: ImageTensor, image_to_use_as_mask: ImageTensor
) -> ImageTensor:
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ Note that ImageTensor/MaskTensor are just syntactic sugar for semantically diffe

For more control, you can call [easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(...)]( before creating nodes and and turn on some advanced settings that will apply to all nodes you create.

## New in 1.1:

- Custom verifiers for types on input and output for your nodes. For example, it will automatically verify that images always have 1, 3 or 4 channels (B&W, RGB and RGBA). Set `verify_level` when calling initialize_easy_nodes to either CheckSeverityMode OFF, WARN, or FATAL (default is WARN). You can write your own verifiers. See []( for examples of types with verifiers.
- Expanded ComfyUI type support. See []( for the full list of registered types.
- Added warnings if relying on node auto-registration without explicitly asking for it (while also supporting get_node_mappings() at the same time). This is because the default for auto_register will change to False in a future release, in order to make ComfyUI-EasyNodes more easily findable by indexers like ComfyUI-Manager, which expect your nodes to be found in your ``. You can enable auto-registration explicitly with `easy_nodes.initialize_easy_nodes(auto_register=True)`.

## New in 1.0:

- Renamed to ComfyUI-EasyNodes from ComfyUI-Annotations to better reflect the package's goal (rather than the means)
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