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Dotfiles - Master Cheatsheet

awk     | <>
bash/sh | ~/.config/bash.d/
i3      | ~/.config/i3/config
kitty   | ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
lf      | ~/.config/lf/lfrc
mutt    | ~/.mutt/muttrc.common
neovim  | ~/.config/nvim/
tmux    | ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
zsh     | ~/.config/zsh/


caffeinate -i <somecommand> | prevent system from sleeping whilst command is running
Ctrl-1/2/3                  | switch desktop
Cmd-Shift-.                 | toggle hidden file display in Finder
Option-Delete               | delete previous word


Cmd-Opt-R   | reader view
Vimium keys | <>

zathura (PDF viewer)

a | zoom out to page
r | rotate
s | zoom to page width

feh (image viewer)

/      | zoom out to show entire image
<up>   | zoom in
<down> | zoom out
<, >   | rotate


journalctl --since=yesterday                 | output from beginning of yesterday
journalctl --since=-1week                    | output from 1 week ago
journalctl CONTAINER_NAME="docker_container" | output from docker container
journalctl --user -u xyz.service             | output from specific user service


Ctrl-Backspace                               | delete previous word

getent hosts <hostname>                      | look up DNS name
hardlink                                     | combine duplicate files using hardlinks
inotifywait -m -r ~/directory                | watch a directory for changes
lshw -short -sanitize                        | Summarize hardware for selling
pdfunite                                     | combine PDFs on comand line
xxd                                          | Hex dump

badblocks -b 8192 -wsv /dev/device           | test device for bad blocks (DESTRUCTIVE!)
blkdiscard --secure -v -f /dev/device        | Securely erase SSD
parted mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%           | create a single partition
sdparm --clear=STANDBY --save -S /dev/device | disable SCSI drive from going to sleep
shred -vz /dev/device

Audio file manipulation

eyeD3 --add-image "cover.jpg:FRONT_COVER" test.mp3 | add image to MP3

General Configuration Help

* MacOS - <>