An awesome challenge to play with chaos engineering on k8s clusters!
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This project provides:
- a script (chaos-monkey-script.sh) which will be added on a Dockerfile that will be responsible for killing pods.
- a Dockerfile to build an image to run inside a kubernetes cluster.
- a job manifest to deploy the image created as the "chaos owner" in a specific namespace (Ex:"workloads")
- a deployment manifest as the "chaos test target" in a specific namespace "workloads" to test the job
Here is where all the information to get this running and understand this challenge will be presented.
- Kubernetes cluster up and running.
Here is some options to get you started: [Local kubernetes cluster] https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ (Enable Kubernetes feature) [Local kubernetes cluster] https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ [Online kubernetes cluster] https://killercoda.com/kubernetes/scenario/a-playground
- Create a docker image
docker build . -t chaos-monkey:0.0.1
- Deploy the "chaos test target"
kubectl apply -f k8s/target-deployment.yaml
- Deploy the "chaos owner" and all dependencies
kubectl apply -f k8s/chaos-monkey.yaml
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[Extra] Scan image to check vulnerabilities. I used the Snyk plugin that Docker Desktop provided.
Deploy the "chaos test target". This deployment manifest has a specific label chaosmonkeytarget: "yes" as a security strategy to know which pods are available to be a target for our "chaos-monkey".
Deploy the "chaos owner" and all dependencies In this manifest we have all dependencies to provide our chaos-monkey permitions to kill some pods:
- Create a namespace where our chaos-monkey will "live" -> chaosmonkey
- Create a ServiceAccount (monkey-kill) to chaosmonkey use with specfic permissions.
- Create a ClusterRole (modify-pods) to give permitions of get, list, delete and watch for only resources of type "pod".
- Create a RoleBinding (modify-pods-monkeykill-sa) to give permitions to the ServiceAccount monkey-kill be able to use the ClusterRole modify-pods in "workloads" namespace only.
- Create a job to run a chaosmonkey pod that will delete some pods with spefic arguments:
- "NAMESPACE": Here we can specify a specific namespace.
- "NR_POD_TO_KILL": Here we can choose how many pods we want to kill.
- "TIME_INTERVAL" : Here we chan choose the time interval between each kill.
Chaosmonkey in action with k8s events
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
André Ribeiro - @My Linkedin
Project Link: https://github.com/andregribeiro/pod-chaos-monkey/