- baculaweb
This module install and configures the baculaweb a web based reporting and monitoring tool for Bacula.
You can find the baculaweb documention here: https://www.bacula-web.org/
The module only install and configure the webapp itself. You still require a webserver (nginx or apache) with php.
- Puppet >= 6.0.0
- Bacula-Web 8.6.0 or later (due to breaking changes in this release)
- puppetlabs/stdlib
- puppet/archive
Recommended modules for apache + php setup:
The needed requirements for the webserver and for php are documented here:
All parameters for the baculaweb module are contained within the main baculaweb class, so for any function of the module, set the options you want. All configuration parameters can be assigned hiera. The default values are also lookuped up by hiera. See the common usages below for examples.
include baculaweb
After installation the default user is admin and the default password is password. You should change this after installation.
See: https://docs.bacula-web.org/en/latest/02_install/finalize.html#reset-user-password
The default application.db is only deployed once. Data is persisted between upgrades in baculaweb::data_dir
To get baculaweb up and running configure at least one bacula catalog database with the paramter catalog_db.
See the following example for the different catalog database types:
class { 'baculaweb':
catalog_db => [
'label' => 'EXAMPLE: MySQL backup catalog',
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'bacula',
'password' => 'verystrongpassword',
'db_name' => 'bacula',
'db_type' => 'mysql',
'db_port' => 3306,
'label' => 'EXAMPLE: PostgreSQL backup catalog',
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'bacula',
'password' => 'verystrongpassword',
'db_name' => 'bacula',
'db_type' => 'mysql',
'db_port' => 3306,
'label' => 'EXAMPLE: SQLite backup catalog',
'db_name' => '/path/to/database',
'db_type' => 'sqlite',
Using Hiera:
- label: 'EXAMPLE: MySQL backup catalog'
host: 'localhost'
login: 'bacula'
password: 'verystrongpassword'
db_name: 'bacula'
db_type: 'mysql'
db_port: 3306
- label: 'EXAMPLE: PostgreSQL backup catalog'
host: 'localhost'
login: 'bacula'
password: 'verystrongpassword'
db_name: 'bacula'
db_type: 'pgsql'
db_port: 5432
- label: 'EXAMPLE: SQLite backup catalog'
db_name: '/path/to/database'
db_type: 'sqlite'
Configure custom directories, ownerships and version:
class { 'baculaweb':
version => '8.6.3'
root_dir => '/var/www/html/bacula-web',
extract_base_dir => '/opt/bacula-web',
user => 'apache',
group => 'apache'
Using Hiera:
version: '8.6.3'
root_dir: '/var/www/html/bacula-web'
extract_base_dir: '/opt/bacula-web'
user: 'apache'
group: 'apache'
You find an overview of the baculaweb settings here: http://docs.bacula-web.org/en/latest/02_install/configure.html
See the following example to configure the settings:
class { 'baculaweb':
language => 'en_US',
hide_empty_pools => true,
show_inactive_clients => true,
datetime_format => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
enable_users_auth => false,
debug => false,
catalog_db => [
'label' => 'MySQL backup catalog',
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'bacula',
'password' => 'verystrongpassword',
'db_name' => 'bacula',
'db_type' => 'mysql',
'db_port' => 3306,
Using Hiera:
language: 'en_US'
hide_empty_pools: true
show_inactive_clients: true
datetime_format: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
enable_users_auth: false
debug: false
- label: 'MySQL backup catalog'
host: 'localhost'
login: 'bacula'
password: 'verystrongpassword'
db_name: 'bacula'
db_type: 'mysql'
db_port: 3306
For a list of supported operating systems, see metadata.json
This module uses puppet_litmus for running acceptance tests.
Create test environment:
Run the acceptance tests:
(Optional) Access the baculaweb application (user/pw: admin/password):
Remove the test environment:
First prepare the release with:
This will set the version in metadata.json
, create REFERENCE.md
Then commit the changes and push them to the repository.
Ensure that the following secrets are set in the github repository:
- FORGE_API_KEY (your puppet forge api key)
Then run github actions pipeline "Publish module to puppet forge" from main branch to release the module to the forge:
Please use the GitHub issues functionality to report any bugs or requests for new features. Feel free to fork and submit pull requests for potential contributions.
All contributions must pass all existing tests, new features should provide additional unit/acceptance tests.