Replication package for Moro, Andrea, and Martin Van der Linden. "Exclusion of Extreme Jurors and Minority Representation: The Effect of Jury Selection Procedures," The Journal of Law and Economics 67, pp. 295-336, May 2024. The paper is available at or from
Bibtex Citation:
title = "Exclusion of Extreme Jurors and Minority Representation: The Effect of Jury Selection Procedures",
author = "Moro, Andrea and Martin {Van der Linden}",
year = "2024",
month = " May",
journal = "The Journal of Law and Economics",
volume = "67",
pages = "295-336",
url = ""
The code in this replication package constructs the simulated juries used to generate figures, tables, and other results in the paper and external appendix using Python.
No external data is used in this project
- Python 3.9.17
A pip freeze text file with required packages is included under Environments
In particular, the following are needed
We ran the code both using the Spyder 5.0.5 GUI, from Python's command line, and with the included Docker image
The code does not require large memory. The code was last run on a 1.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 Intel-based laptop with MacOS version 11.4. Execution time was about one hour.
- Executes all code in the appropriate order
- contains the main Jurymodel class used to simulate juries.
- contains code to generate all simulated juries needed to generate the paper and appendices figures and tables. Juries are saved in pickle format under Simulations/
- contains code to generate all figures and tables. Output is saved under Exhibits/
- extension of Jurymodel for the statistical discrimination section
- generates all simulated juries needed for the statistical discrimination section
- generates figures for the statistical discrimination section
- the code is © Moro and Van der Linden. Please contact the authors if you are interested in using or modifying this code.
A Dockerfile is included under directory Environment to replicate an environment suitable for proper code execution
Execute from the root directory. The file will generate a docker image called juryselectionimage and then execute all the necessary code (see for details)
A pip freeze text file with required packages is included under directory Environment. Execute
from a shell, or run the python files in the order indicated in Code/ in your preferred client/GUI using Code/ as your working directory
a) To speed up computations, some jury construction commands use Python's multiprocessing package with 6 processors as default. You may change the nprocs variable at the beginning of (row 17) and (row 20) at your convenience
b) The code needs a LaTeX installation to format figure labels to match exactly the article figures. A minimal latex installation is included in the Dockerfile, fetched from TinyTeX. If for any reason the image fails to generate, you can comment out lines 14-23 in Environment/Dockerfile. The code will execute without LaTeX formatting
Figure/Table # | Program | Line | Output file |
Figure 1 | TikZ-generated in LaTeX | ||
Figure 2 | TikZ-generated in LaTeX | ||
Figure 3 | | 140 | betapdfs.pdf |
Figure 4 | | 219 | prop1-beta-all.pdf |
Figure 5 | | 302 | prop2-uni.pdf |
Figure 6 | | 378 | counterall.pdf |
Figure 7 | | 635 | minority-representation.pdf |
Figure 8 | | 710 | nchallenges-extr-minority.pdf |
Figure 9 | | 196 | std-logitnorm.pdf |
Figure 10 | | 251 | std-density-1.pdf |
Figure 11 | | 793 | median.pdf |
Figure 12 | | 1018 | balanced.pdf |
Figure 13 | | 320 | std-beta.pdf |
Note: figures for the external appendix are generated but not included in this table
Social Science Data Editors template README file
Tip for generating the list of figures above: