This code along project is a weather app that I did a while back in order to familiarize myself with working with API's. I used George Matsoukos video linked below where he creates this same application. I have made my own changes to display temprature and search the API in a somewhat different manner than he did in his video. -> George's Channel ->" -> Code Along Video ->
First, search any City in any Country, by typing in the city name. The API will return the first city that appears to have as a match for your search.
If the returned City isn't the one you expected, be more specific in your search by providing the Country code as well. Such as this,
Should there be a typo in your search, the below message will be prompted
Should you search a city that you have already searched, the below message will be prompted
Voila! You can now find the current weather for any city in the world with this application!