PC-status, to work properly, needs java installed on your computer. If you don’t have java installed, this is a link to Java installer |
The program may have some bugs and may be unstable. PC status is still at an early stage of development |
This project support only gradle, not maven |
First of all, download and unzip the source repository, or clone it using Git:
git clone
With IntelliJ IDEA up and running, click Import Project on the Welcome Screen, or File | Open on the main menu:
In the pop-up dialog make sure to select Gradle’s build.gradle file:
IntelliJ IDEA will create a project with all the code from the guide already entered.
You can build the JAR file using
./gradlew build
In IntelliJ is also possible to run gradlew build command following instruction in this image
Your executable (.jar) file is in ROOT_OF_SOURCES/build/libs/ directory
Then you can run the JAR file by doble clicking on icon or by command line:
java -jar build/libs/PC-status-xx.jar
xx must be replaced by version indicated under jar block, in build.gradle file |
For any problem, please send en email to [email protected] or open an issue on GitHub.
This program is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 or later.
PC-status uses the following open source libraries: